Search Results for author: Hengxu Zhang

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

CircleFormer: Circular Nuclei Detection in Whole Slide Images with Circle Queries and Attention

1 code implementation30 Aug 2023 Hengxu Zhang, Pengpeng Liang, Zhiyong Sun, Bo Song, Erkang Cheng

Inspired by the recent anchor free CNN-based circular object detection method (CircleNet) for ball-shape glomeruli detection in renal pathology, in this paper, we present CircleFormer, a Transformer-based circular medical object detection with dynamic anchor circles.

Decoder Medical Object Detection +4

Nonlinearity Characteristic of High Impedance Fault at Resonant Distribution Networks: Theoretical Basis to Identify the Faulty Feeder

no code implementations15 Nov 2020 Mingjie Wei, Hengxu Zhang, Fang Shi, Weijiang Chen, Vladmir Terzija

Feeder identification is indispensable for distribution networks to locate faults at a specific feeder, especially when measuring de-vices are insufficient for precise locations.


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