Search Results for author: Henry Martin

Found 6 papers, 5 papers with code

EPT-1.5 Technical Report

no code implementations19 Oct 2024 Roberto Molinaro, Jordan Dane Daubinet, Alexander Jakob Dautel, Andreas Schlueter, Alex Grigoryev, Nikoo Ekhtiari, Bas Steunebrink, Kevin Thiart, Roan John Song, Henry Martin, Leonie Wagner, Andrea Giussani, Marvin Vincent Gabler

We announce the release of EPT-1. 5, the latest iteration in our Earth Physics Transformer (EPT) family of foundation AI earth system models.

Metropolitan Segment Traffic Speeds from Massive Floating Car Data in 10 Cities

1 code implementation17 Feb 2023 Moritz Neun, Christian Eichenberger, Yanan Xin, Cheng Fu, Nina Wiedemann, Henry Martin, Martin Tomko, Lukas Ambühl, Luca Hermes, Michael Kopp

Traffic analysis is crucial for urban operations and planning, while the availability of dense urban traffic data beyond loop detectors is still scarce.

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How do you go where? Improving next location prediction by learning travel mode information using transformers

1 code implementation8 Oct 2022 Ye Hong, Henry Martin, Martin Raubal

Predicting the next visited location of an individual is a key problem in human mobility analysis, as it is required for the personalization and optimization of sustainable transport options.

Traffic4cast-Traffic Map Movie Forecasting -- Team MIE-Lab

1 code implementation27 Oct 2019 Henry Martin, Ye Hong, Dominik Bucher, Christian Rupprecht, René Buffat

The goal of the IARAI competition traffic4cast was to predict the city-wide traffic status within a 15-minute time window, based on information from the previous hour.

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