Search Results for author: Heqian Qiu

Found 13 papers, 2 papers with code

Distribution-Level Memory Recall for Continual Learning: Preserving Knowledge and Avoiding Confusion

no code implementations4 Aug 2024 Shaoxu Cheng, Kanglei Geng, Chiyuan He, Zihuan Qiu, Linfeng Xu, Heqian Qiu, Lanxiao Wang, Qingbo Wu, Fanman Meng, Hongliang Li

To address this issue, we propose the Distribution-Level Memory Recall (DMR) method, which uses a Gaussian mixture model to precisely fit the feature distribution of old knowledge at the distribution level and generate pseudo features in the next stage.

Continual Learning

MCF-VC: Mitigate Catastrophic Forgetting in Class-Incremental Learning for Multimodal Video Captioning

no code implementations27 Feb 2024 Huiyu Xiong, Lanxiao Wang, Heqian Qiu, Taijin Zhao, Benliu Qiu, Hongliang Li

Further, in order to better constrain the knowledge characteristics of old and new tasks at the specific feature level, we have created the Two-stage Knowledge Distillation (TsKD), which is able to learn the new task well while weighing the old task.

Class Incremental Learning Incremental Learning +2

GRSDet: Learning to Generate Local Reverse Samples for Few-shot Object Detection

no code implementations27 Dec 2023 Hefei Mei, Taijin Zhao, Shiyuan Tang, Heqian Qiu, Lanxiao Wang, Minjian Zhang, Fanman Meng, Hongliang Li

By transferring the knowledge of IFC from the base training to fine-tuning, the IFC generates plentiful novel samples to calibrate the novel class distribution.

Few-Shot Object Detection object-detection +1

Incrementer: Transformer for Class-Incremental Semantic Segmentation With Knowledge Distillation Focusing on Old Class

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Chao Shang, Hongliang Li, Fanman Meng, Qingbo Wu, Heqian Qiu, Lanxiao Wang

Most existing methods are based on convolutional networks and prevent forgetting through knowledge distillation, which (1) need to add additional convolutional layers to predict new classes, and (2) ignore to distinguish different regions corresponding to old and new classes during knowledge distillation and roughly distill all the features, thus limiting the learning of new classes.

Class-Incremental Semantic Segmentation Decoder +2

CafeBoost: Causal Feature Boost To Eliminate Task-Induced Bias for Class Incremental Learning

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Benliu Qiu, Hongliang Li, Haitao Wen, Heqian Qiu, Lanxiao Wang, Fanman Meng, Qingbo Wu, Lili Pan

We place continual learning into a causal framework, based on which we find the task-induced bias is reduced naturally by two underlying mechanisms in task and domain incremental learning.

Class Incremental Learning Incremental Learning

Contrastive Continuity on Augmentation Stability Rehearsal for Continual Self-Supervised Learning

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Haoyang Cheng, Haitao Wen, Xiaoliang Zhang, Heqian Qiu, Lanxiao Wang, Hongliang Li

In order to address catastrophic forgetting without overfitting on the rehearsal samples, we propose Augmentation Stability Rehearsal (ASR) in this paper, which selects the most representative and discriminative samples by estimating the augmentation stability for rehearsal.

Self-Supervised Learning

RefCrowd: Grounding the Target in Crowd with Referring Expressions

no code implementations16 Jun 2022 Heqian Qiu, Hongliang Li, Taijin Zhao, Lanxiao Wang, Qingbo Wu, Fanman Meng

Unfortunately, there is no effort to explore crowd understanding in multi-modal domain that bridges natural language and computer vision.

Attribute Referring Expression +1

CrossDet: Crossline Representation for Object Detection

1 code implementation ICCV 2021 Heqian Qiu, Hongliang Li, Qingbo Wu, Jianhua Cui, Zichen Song, Lanxiao Wang, Minjian Zhang

In this paper, we propose a novel anchor-free object detection network, called CrossDet, which uses a set of growing cross lines along horizontal and vertical axes as object representations.

Object object-detection +1

Offset Bin Classification Network for Accurate Object Detection

no code implementations CVPR 2020 Heqian Qiu, Hongliang Li, Qingbo Wu, Hengcan Shi

However, this loss function applies the same penalties on different samples with large errors, which results in suboptimal regression networks and inaccurate offsets.

Classification General Classification +5

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