Search Results for author: Heribert Wankerl

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Investigation of inverse design of multilayer thin-films with conditional invertible Neural Networks

no code implementations10 Oct 2022 Alexander Luce, Ali Mahdavi, Heribert Wankerl, Florian Marquardt

The task of designing optical multilayer thin-films regarding a given target is currently solved using gradient-based optimization in conjunction with methods that can introduce additional thin-film layers.

Playing Ping Pong with Light: Directional Emission of White Light

no code implementations30 Nov 2021 Heribert Wankerl, Christopher Wiesmann, Laura Kreiner, Rainer Butendeich, Alexander Luce, Sandra Sobczyk, Maike Lorena Stern, Elmar Wolfgang Lang

In this work, we demonstrate that a specifically designed multi-layer thin film on top of a white LED increases the power of pure white light emitted in forward direction.

Bayesian Optimization

TMM-Fast: A Transfer Matrix Computation Package for Multilayer Thin-Film Optimization

1 code implementation24 Nov 2021 Alexander Luce, Ali Mahdavi, Florian Marquardt, Heribert Wankerl

Achieving the desired optical response from a multilayer thin-film structure over a broad range of wavelengths and angles of incidence can be challenging.

OpenAI Gym

Parameterized Reinforcement Learning for Optical System Optimization

no code implementations9 Oct 2020 Heribert Wankerl, Maike L. Stern, Ali Mahdavi, Christoph Eichler, Elmar W. Lang

Such a combination of both, discrete and continuous parameters is a challenging optimization problem that often requires a computationally expensive search for an optimal system design.

Q-Learning reinforcement-learning +1

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