Search Results for author: Herv{\'e} Bredin

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

A Metric Learning Approach to Misogyny Categorization

no code implementations WS 2020 Juan Manuel Coria, Sahar Ghannay, Sophie Rosset, Herv{\'e} Bredin

The task of automatic misogyny identification and categorization has not received as much attention as other natural language tasks have, even though it is crucial for identifying hate speech in social Internet interactions.

Metric Learning Sentence +3

Benchmarking multimedia technologies with the CAMOMILE platform: the case of Multimodal Person Discovery at MediaEval 2015

no code implementations LREC 2016 Johann Poignant, Herv{\'e} Bredin, Claude Barras, Mickael Stefas, Pierrick Bruneau, Thomas Tamisier

In this paper, we claim that the CAMOMILE collaborative annotation platform (developed in the framework of the eponymous CHIST-ERA project) eases the organization of multimedia technology benchmarks, automating most of the campaign technical workflow and enabling collaborative (hence faster and cheaper) annotation of the evaluation data.


TVD: A Reproducible and Multiply Aligned TV Series Dataset

no code implementations LREC 2014 Anindya Roy, Camille Guinaudeau, Herv{\'e} Bredin, Claude Barras

We introduce a new dataset built around two TV series from different genres, The Big Bang Theory, a situation comedy and Game of Thrones, a fantasy drama.

Dynamic Time Warping Information Retrieval +3

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