Search Results for author: Hideaki Yamamoto

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

Precision microfluidic control of neuronal ensembles in cultured cortical networks

no code implementations29 May 2024 Hakuba Murota, Hideaki Yamamoto, Nobuaki Monma, Shigeo Sato, Ayumi Hirano-Iwata

In vitro neuronal culture is an important research platform in cellular and network neuroscience.

Directional intermodular coupling enriches functional complexity in biological neuronal networks

no code implementations25 Apr 2024 Nobuaki Monma, Hideaki Yamamoto, Naoya Fujiwara, Hakuba Murota, Satoshi Moriya, Ayumi Hirano-Iwata, Shigeo Sato

However, this topology is dissimilar to the network formed by dissociated neurons in culture because they form randomly connected networks on homogeneous substrates.

Model-Free Idealization: Adaptive Integrated Approach for Idealization of Ion Channel Currents (AI2)

no code implementations14 Feb 2023 Madoka Sato, Masanori Hariyama, Komiya Maki, Kae Suzuki, Yuzuru Tozawa, Hideaki Yamamoto, Ayumi Hirano-Iwata

The first step in the analysis of the recorded currents involves an "idealization" process, in which noisy raw data are classified into two discrete levels corresponding to the open and closed states of channels.

Biological neurons act as generalization filters in reservoir computing

no code implementations6 Oct 2022 Takuma Sumi, Hideaki Yamamoto, Yuichi Katori, Satoshi Moriya, Tomohiro Konno, Shigeo Sato, Ayumi Hirano-Iwata

We first show that modular BNNs can be used to classify static input patterns with a linear decoder and that the modularity of the BNNs positively correlates with the classification accuracy.

Decoder Time Series Analysis +1

Modular architecture facilitates noise-driven control of synchrony in neuronal networks

no code implementations21 May 2022 Hideaki Yamamoto, F. Paul Spitzner, Taiki Takemuro, Victor Buendía, Carla Morante, Tomohiro Konno, Shigeo Sato, Ayumi Hirano-Iwata, Viola Priesemann, Miguel A. Muñoz, Johannes Zierenberg, Jordi Soriano

Brain functions require both segregated processing of information in specialized circuits, as well as integration across circuits to perform high-level information processing.

Microfluidic cell engineering on high-density microelectrode arrays for assessing structure-function relationships in living neuronal networks

no code implementations9 May 2022 Yuya Sato, Hideaki Yamamoto, Hideyuki Kato, Takashi Tanii, Shigeo Sato, Ayumi Hirano-Iwata

Neuronal networks in dissociated culture combined with cell engineering technology offer a pivotal platform to constructively explore the relationship between structure and function in living neuronal networks.

Cultural Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Control of the Correlation of Spontaneous Neuron Activity in Biological and Noise-activated CMOS Artificial Neural Microcircuits

no code implementations24 Feb 2017 Ramin M. Hasani, Giorgio Ferrari, Hideaki Yamamoto, Sho Kono, Koji Ishihara, Soya Fujimori, Takashi Tanii, Enrico Prati

At such an intermediate scale, the firing activity in the microcircuits is governed by collective effects emerging by the background noise soliciting spontaneous firing, the degree of mutual connections between the neurons, and the topology of the connections.

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