Search Results for author: Hiroaki Kurihara

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Deep Mapper: Efficient Visualization of Plausible Conformational Pathways

no code implementations29 Feb 2024 Ziyad Oulhaj, Yoshiyuki Ishii, Kento Ohga, Kimihiro Yamazaki, Mutsuyo Wada, Yuhei Umeda, Takashi Kato, Yuichiro Wada, Hiroaki Kurihara

In our numerical experiments, based on an isometric latent space built on the common 50S-ribosomal dataset, the resulting Mapper graph successfully includes all the well-recognized plausible pathways.

Drug Discovery Topological Data Analysis

MAGDiff: Covariate Data Set Shift Detection via Activation Graphs of Deep Neural Networks

1 code implementation22 May 2023 Charles Arnal, Felix Hensel, Mathieu Carrière, Théo Lacombe, Hiroaki Kurihara, Yuichi Ike, Frédéric Chazal

Despite their successful application to a variety of tasks, neural networks remain limited, like other machine learning methods, by their sensitivity to shifts in the data: their performance can be severely impacted by differences in distribution between the data on which they were trained and that on which they are deployed.

RipsNet: a general architecture for fast and robust estimation of the persistent homology of point clouds

1 code implementation3 Feb 2022 Thibault de Surrel, Felix Hensel, Mathieu Carrière, Théo Lacombe, Yuichi Ike, Hiroaki Kurihara, Marc Glisse, Frédéric Chazal

The use of topological descriptors in modern machine learning applications, such as Persistence Diagrams (PDs) arising from Topological Data Analysis (TDA), has shown great potential in various domains.

Topological Data Analysis

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