Search Results for author: Hiroki Waida

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Robust VAEs via Generating Process of Noise Augmented Data

no code implementations26 Jul 2024 Hiroo Irobe, Wataru Aoki, Kimihiro Yamazaki, Yuhui Zhang, Takumi Nakagawa, Hiroki Waida, Yuichiro Wada, Takafumi Kanamori

Advancing defensive mechanisms against adversarial attacks in generative models is a critical research topic in machine learning.

Investigating Self-Supervised Image Denoising with Denaturation

no code implementations2 May 2024 Hiroki Waida, Kimihiro Yamazaki, Atsushi Tokuhisa, Mutsuyo Wada, Yuichiro Wada

To provide better understanding of the approach, in this paper, we analyze a self-supervised denoising algorithm that uses denatured data in depth through theoretical analysis and numerical experiments.

Image Denoising Self-Supervised Learning

Denoising Cosine Similarity: A Theory-Driven Approach for Efficient Representation Learning

no code implementations19 Apr 2023 Takumi Nakagawa, Yutaro Sanada, Hiroki Waida, Yuhui Zhang, Yuichiro Wada, Kōsaku Takanashi, Tomonori Yamada, Takafumi Kanamori

To this end, inspired by recent works on denoising and the success of the cosine-similarity-based objective functions in representation learning, we propose the denoising Cosine-Similarity (dCS) loss.

Denoising Representation Learning

Deep Clustering with a Constraint for Topological Invariance based on Symmetric InfoNCE

no code implementations6 Mar 2023 Yuhui Zhang, Yuichiro Wada, Hiroki Waida, Kaito Goto, Yusaku Hino, Takafumi Kanamori

To address the problem, we propose a constraint utilizing symmetric InfoNCE, which helps an objective of deep clustering method in the scenario train the model so as to be efficient for not only non-complex topology but also complex topology datasets.

Clustering Deep Clustering

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