Search Results for author: Hong-Ye Hu

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Demonstration of Robust and Efficient Quantum Property Learning with Shallow Shadows

no code implementations27 Feb 2024 Hong-Ye Hu, Andi Gu, Swarnadeep Majumder, Hang Ren, Yipei Zhang, Derek S. Wang, Yi-Zhuang You, Zlatko Minev, Susanne F. Yelin, Alireza Seif

This combined theoretical and experimental analysis positions the robust shallow shadow protocol as a scalable, robust, and sample-efficient protocol for characterizing quantum states on current quantum computing platforms.

Bayesian Inference

Digital-analog quantum learning on Rydberg atom arrays

no code implementations5 Jan 2024 Jonathan Z. Lu, Lucy Jiao, Kristina Wolinski, Milan Kornjača, Hong-Ye Hu, Sergio Cantu, Fangli Liu, Susanne F. Yelin, Sheng-Tao Wang

We propose hybrid digital-analog learning algorithms on Rydberg atom arrays, combining the potentially practical utility and near-term realizability of quantum learning with the rapidly scaling architectures of neutral atoms.

Discovery of Optimal Quantum Error Correcting Codes via Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations10 May 2023 Vincent Paul Su, ChunJun Cao, Hong-Ye Hu, Yariv Yanay, Charles Tahan, Brian Swingle

Lastly, we comment on how this RL framework can be used in conjunction with physical quantum devices to tailor a code without explicit characterization of the noise model.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Differentiable Programming of Isometric Tensor Networks

1 code implementation8 Oct 2021 Chenhua Geng, Hong-Ye Hu, Yijian Zou

Differentiable programming is a new programming paradigm which enables large scale optimization through automatic calculation of gradients also known as auto-differentiation.

Tensor Networks

Hamiltonian-Driven Shadow Tomography of Quantum States

no code implementations19 Feb 2021 Hong-Ye Hu, Yi-Zhuang You

It relies on a unitary channel that efficiently scrambles the quantum information of the state to the measurement basis.

High-order Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking Normal State

no code implementations11 Feb 2021 Meng Zeng, Lun-Hui Hu, Hong-Ye Hu, Yi-Zhuang You, Congjun Wu

The phase locking, i. e., ordering of $\theta_-$, can take place in the phase fluctuation regime before the onset of superconductivity, i. e. when $\theta_+$ is disordered.

Superconductivity Strongly Correlated Electrons

RG-Flow: A hierarchical and explainable flow model based on renormalization group and sparse prior

1 code implementation30 Sep 2020 Hong-Ye Hu, Dian Wu, Yi-Zhuang You, Bruno Olshausen, Yubei Chen

In this work, we incorporate the key ideas of renormalization group (RG) and sparse prior distribution to design a hierarchical flow-based generative model, RG-Flow, which can separate information at different scales of images and extract disentangled representations at each scale.

Disentanglement Image Inpainting +2

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