no code implementations • 28 May 2018 • Jose Dolz, Xiaopan Xu, Jerome Rony, Jing Yuan, Yang Liu, Eric Granger, Christian Desrosiers, Xi Zhang, Ismail Ben Ayed, Hongbing Lu
Precise segmentation of bladder walls and tumor regions is an essential step towards non-invasive identification of tumor stage and grade, which is critical for treatment decision and prognosis of patients with bladder cancer (BC).
no code implementations • 4 Dec 2014 • Hao Zhang, Jing Wang, Jianhua Ma, Hongbing Lu, Zhengrong Liang
Statistical image reconstruction (SIR) methods have shown potential to substantially improve the image quality of low-dose X-ray computed tomography (CT) as compared to the conventional filtered back-projection (FBP) method for various clinical tasks.