no code implementations • 29 Jun 2023 • Yu Tian, Bofang Li, Si Chen, Xubin Li, Hongbo Deng, Jian Xu, Bo Zheng, Qian Wang, Chenliang Li
Recently, Multi-Scenario Learning (MSL) is widely used in recommendation and retrieval systems in the industry because it facilitates transfer learning from different scenarios, mitigating data sparsity and reducing maintenance cost.
1 code implementation • 4 Sep 2022 • Zhao-Yu Zhang, Xiang-Rong Sheng, Yujing Zhang, Biye Jiang, Shuguang Han, Hongbo Deng, Bo Zheng
However, far less attention has been paid to the overfitting problem of models in recommendation systems, which, on the contrary, is recognized as a critical issue for deep neural networks.
no code implementations • 22 Aug 2022 • Yujing Zhang, Zhangming Chan, Shuhao Xu, Weijie Bian, Shuguang Han, Hongbo Deng, Bo Zheng
To alleviate this issue, we propose to extract knowledge from the \textit{super-domain} that contains web-scale and long-time impression data, and further assist the online recommendation task (downstream task).
1 code implementation • 12 Aug 2022 • Xiang-Rong Sheng, Jingyue Gao, Yueyao Cheng, Siran Yang, Shuguang Han, Hongbo Deng, Yuning Jiang, Jian Xu, Bo Zheng
It can be attributed to the calibration ability of the pointwise loss since the prediction can be viewed as the click probability.
no code implementations • 23 May 2022 • Wenbo Su, Yuanxing Zhang, Yufeng Cai, Kaixu Ren, Pengjie Wang, Huimin Yi, Yue Song, Jing Chen, Hongbo Deng, Jian Xu, Lin Qu, Bo Zheng
High-concurrency asynchronous training upon parameter server (PS) architecture and high-performance synchronous training upon all-reduce (AR) architecture are the most commonly deployed distributed training modes for recommendation models.
1 code implementation • 30 Mar 2022 • Bencheng Yan, Pengjie Wang, Kai Zhang, Feng Li, Hongbo Deng, Jian Xu, Bo Zheng
In many web applications, deep learning-based CTR prediction models (deep CTR models for short) are widely adopted.
no code implementations • 14 Feb 2022 • Rihan Chen, Bin Liu, Han Zhu, Yaoxuan Wang, Qi Li, Buting Ma, Qingbo Hua, Jun Jiang, Yunlong Xu, Hongbo Deng, Bo Zheng
In this paper, we propose a novel method to extend ANN search to arbitrary matching functions, e. g., a deep neural network.
no code implementations • 21 Dec 2021 • Kailun Wu, Zhangming Chan, Weijie Bian, Lejian Ren, Shiming Xiang, Shuguang Han, Hongbo Deng, Bo Zheng
We further show that such a process is equivalent to adding an adversarial perturbation to the model input, and thereby name our proposed approach as an the Adversarial Gradient Driven Exploration (AGE).
no code implementations • 1 Nov 2021 • Aobo Yang, Nan Wang, Renqin Cai, Hongbo Deng, Hongning Wang
As recommendation is essentially a comparative (or ranking) process, a good explanation should illustrate to users why an item is believed to be better than another, i. e., comparative explanations about the recommended items.
no code implementations • 26 Sep 2021 • Yule Wang, Qiang Luo, Yue Ding, Yunzhe Li, Dong Wang, Hongbo Deng
In this paper, we propose a novel model named DemiNet (short for DEpendency-Aware Multi-Interest Network) to address the above two issues.
no code implementations • 18 May 2021 • Houyi Li, Zhihong Chen, Chenliang Li, Rong Xiao, Hongbo Deng, Peng Zhang, Yongchao Liu, Haihong Tang
PDN utilizes Trigger Net to capture the user's interest in each of his/her interacted item, and Similarity Net to evaluate the similarity between each interacted item and the target item based on these items' profile and CF information.
no code implementations • 14 Feb 2021 • Shaowei Yao, Jiwei Tan, Xi Chen, Keping Yang, Rong Xiao, Hongbo Deng, Xiaojun Wan
We propose a novel way to consider samples of different relevance confidence, and come up with a new training objective to learn a robust relevance model with desirable score distribution.
no code implementations • 27 Jan 2021 • Xiang-Rong Sheng, Liqin Zhao, Guorui Zhou, Xinyao Ding, Binding Dai, Qiang Luo, Siran Yang, Jingshan Lv, Chi Zhang, Hongbo Deng, Xiaoqiang Zhu
Concretely, STAR has the star topology, which consists of the shared centered parameters and domain-specific parameters.
no code implementations • 24 Jan 2021 • Aobo Yang, Nan Wang, Hongbo Deng, Hongning Wang
At training time, the two learning tasks are joined by a latent sentiment vector, which is encoded by the recommendation module and used to make word choices for explanation generation.
no code implementations • 11 Nov 2020 • Weijie Bian, Kailun Wu, Lejian Ren, Qi Pi, Yujing Zhang, Can Xiao, Xiang-Rong Sheng, Yong-Nan Zhu, Zhangming Chan, Na Mou, Xinchen Luo, Shiming Xiang, Guorui Zhou, Xiaoqiang Zhu, Hongbo Deng
For example, a simple attempt to learn the combination of feature A and feature B <A, B> as the explicit cartesian product representation of new features can outperform previous implicit feature interaction models including factorization machine (FM)-based models and their variations.
1 code implementation • 21 May 2020 • Cheng Zhao, Chenliang Li, Rong Xiao, Hongbo Deng, Aixin Sun
Given two relevant domains (e. g., Book and Movie), users may have interactions with items in one domain but not in the other domain.
1 code implementation • 21 May 2020 • Zhihong Chen, Rong Xiao, Chenliang Li, Gangfeng Ye, Haochuan Sun, Hongbo Deng
Most of ranking models are trained only with displayed items (most are hot items), but they are utilized to retrieve items in the entire space which consists of both displayed and non-displayed items (most are long-tail items).
1 code implementation • 13 Jan 2020 • Daoyuan Chen, Yaliang Li, Minghui Qiu, Zhen Wang, Bofang Li, Bolin Ding, Hongbo Deng, Jun Huang, Wei. Lin, Jingren Zhou
Motivated by the necessity and benefits of task-oriented BERT compression, we propose a novel compression method, AdaBERT, that leverages differentiable Neural Architecture Search to automatically compress BERT into task-adaptive small models for specific tasks.
no code implementations • 26 May 2019 • Dong Xu, Jianhui Ji, Haikuan Huang, Hongbo Deng, Wu-Jun Li
Nevertheless, it is difficult for RNN based models to capture the information about long-range dependency among words in the sentences of questions and answers.