Search Results for author: Hongkang Yu

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

Fast Beam Training and Performance Analysis for Extremely Large Aperture Array

no code implementations28 Apr 2024 Yuan Si, Hongkang Yu, Yijian Chen

Unfortunately, the use of narrower beams for data transmission results in a substantial increase in the cost of beam training.

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Energy Efficiency in Full-duplex Communication System

no code implementations24 May 2022 Yiru Wang, Pengxin Guan, Hongkang Yu, Yuping Zhao

By jointly designing the active beamforming of two multi-antenna sources and passive beamforming of RIS, we aim to maximize the energy efficiency of the system, where extra self-interference cancellation power consumption in FD system is also considered.

Distributed and Joint Optimization of Precoding and Power for User-Centric Cell-Free Massive MIMO

no code implementations9 May 2022 Hongkang Yu, Xinquan Ye, Yijian Chen

In the cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output (CF mMIMO) system, the centralized transmission scheme is widely adopted to manage the inter-user interference.

Simultaneous Transmission and Reflection Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Full-Duplex Communications

no code implementations10 Mar 2022 Yiru Wang, Pengxin Guan, Hongkang Yu, Yuping Zhao

This work demonstrates the effectiveness of a novel simultaneous transmission and reflection reconfigurable intelligent surface (STAR-RIS) in Full-Duplex (FD) aided communication system.

Performance Analysis and Codebook Design for mmWave Beamforming System with Beam Squint

no code implementations18 Jan 2021 Hongkang Yu, Pengxin Guan, Yiru Wang, Yuping Zhao

Beamforming technology is widely used in millimeter wave systems to combat path losses, and beamformers are usually selected from a predefined codebook.

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