Search Results for author: Honglei Zhuang

Found 29 papers, 5 papers with code

Multimodal Reranking for Knowledge-Intensive Visual Question Answering

no code implementations17 Jul 2024 Haoyang Wen, Honglei Zhuang, Hamed Zamani, Alexander Hauptmann, Michael Bendersky

Besides, the two-tower architecture also limits the relevance score modeling of a retriever to select top candidates for answer generator reasoning.

Answer Generation Question Answering +1

Can Query Expansion Improve Generalization of Strong Cross-Encoder Rankers?

no code implementations15 Nov 2023 Minghan Li, Honglei Zhuang, Kai Hui, Zhen Qin, Jimmy Lin, Rolf Jagerman, Xuanhui Wang, Michael Bendersky

In this paper, we re-examine this conclusion and raise the following question: Can query expansion improve generalization of strong cross-encoder rankers?

Instruction Following Language Modelling +2

PaRaDe: Passage Ranking using Demonstrations with Large Language Models

no code implementations22 Oct 2023 Andrew Drozdov, Honglei Zhuang, Zhuyun Dai, Zhen Qin, Razieh Rahimi, Xuanhui Wang, Dana Alon, Mohit Iyyer, Andrew McCallum, Donald Metzler, Kai Hui

Recent studies show that large language models (LLMs) can be instructed to effectively perform zero-shot passage re-ranking, in which the results of a first stage retrieval method, such as BM25, are rated and reordered to improve relevance.

Passage Ranking Passage Re-Ranking +6

Beyond Yes and No: Improving Zero-Shot LLM Rankers via Scoring Fine-Grained Relevance Labels

no code implementations21 Oct 2023 Honglei Zhuang, Zhen Qin, Kai Hui, Junru Wu, Le Yan, Xuanhui Wang, Michael Bendersky

We propose to incorporate fine-grained relevance labels into the prompt for LLM rankers, enabling them to better differentiate among documents with different levels of relevance to the query and thus derive a more accurate ranking.

A Setwise Approach for Effective and Highly Efficient Zero-shot Ranking with Large Language Models

1 code implementation14 Oct 2023 Shengyao Zhuang, Honglei Zhuang, Bevan Koopman, Guido Zuccon

We propose a novel zero-shot document ranking approach based on Large Language Models (LLMs): the Setwise prompting approach.

Document Ranking

Large Language Models are Effective Text Rankers with Pairwise Ranking Prompting

no code implementations30 Jun 2023 Zhen Qin, Rolf Jagerman, Kai Hui, Honglei Zhuang, Junru Wu, Le Yan, Jiaming Shen, Tianqi Liu, Jialu Liu, Donald Metzler, Xuanhui Wang, Michael Bendersky

Ranking documents using Large Language Models (LLMs) by directly feeding the query and candidate documents into the prompt is an interesting and practical problem.

How Does Generative Retrieval Scale to Millions of Passages?

no code implementations19 May 2023 Ronak Pradeep, Kai Hui, Jai Gupta, Adam D. Lelkes, Honglei Zhuang, Jimmy Lin, Donald Metzler, Vinh Q. Tran

Popularized by the Differentiable Search Index, the emerging paradigm of generative retrieval re-frames the classic information retrieval problem into a sequence-to-sequence modeling task, forgoing external indices and encoding an entire document corpus within a single Transformer.

Information Retrieval Passage Ranking +1

Query Expansion by Prompting Large Language Models

no code implementations5 May 2023 Rolf Jagerman, Honglei Zhuang, Zhen Qin, Xuanhui Wang, Michael Bendersky

Query expansion is a widely used technique to improve the recall of search systems.

Towards Disentangling Relevance and Bias in Unbiased Learning to Rank

no code implementations28 Dec 2022 Yunan Zhang, Le Yan, Zhen Qin, Honglei Zhuang, Jiaming Shen, Xuanhui Wang, Michael Bendersky, Marc Najork

We give both theoretical analysis and empirical results to show the negative effects on relevance tower due to such a correlation.


RankT5: Fine-Tuning T5 for Text Ranking with Ranking Losses

no code implementations12 Oct 2022 Honglei Zhuang, Zhen Qin, Rolf Jagerman, Kai Hui, Ji Ma, Jing Lu, Jianmo Ni, Xuanhui Wang, Michael Bendersky

Recently, substantial progress has been made in text ranking based on pretrained language models such as BERT.


Rank4Class: A Ranking Formulation for Multiclass Classification

no code implementations17 Dec 2021 Nan Wang, Zhen Qin, Le Yan, Honglei Zhuang, Xuanhui Wang, Michael Bendersky, Marc Najork

Multiclass classification (MCC) is a fundamental machine learning problem of classifying each instance into one of a predefined set of classes.

Classification Image Classification +4

ExT5: Towards Extreme Multi-Task Scaling for Transfer Learning

3 code implementations ICLR 2022 Vamsi Aribandi, Yi Tay, Tal Schuster, Jinfeng Rao, Huaixiu Steven Zheng, Sanket Vaibhav Mehta, Honglei Zhuang, Vinh Q. Tran, Dara Bahri, Jianmo Ni, Jai Gupta, Kai Hui, Sebastian Ruder, Donald Metzler

Despite the recent success of multi-task learning and transfer learning for natural language processing (NLP), few works have systematically studied the effect of scaling up the number of tasks during pre-training.

Denoising Multi-Task Learning

Improving Neural Ranking via Lossless Knowledge Distillation

no code implementations30 Sep 2021 Zhen Qin, Le Yan, Yi Tay, Honglei Zhuang, Xuanhui Wang, Michael Bendersky, Marc Najork

We explore a novel perspective of knowledge distillation (KD) for learning to rank (LTR), and introduce Self-Distilled neural Rankers (SDR), where student rankers are parameterized identically to their teachers.

Knowledge Distillation Learning-To-Rank

Rank4Class: Examining Multiclass Classification through the Lens of Learning to Rank

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Nan Wang, Zhen Qin, Le Yan, Honglei Zhuang, Xuanhui Wang, Michael Bendersky, Marc Najork

We further demonstrate that the most popular MCC architecture in deep learning can be mathematically formulated as a LTR pipeline equivalently, with a specific set of choices in terms of ranking model architecture and loss function.

Image Classification Information Retrieval +4

Distilling Interpretable Models into Human-Readable Code

1 code implementation21 Jan 2021 Walker Ravina, Ethan Sterling, Olexiy Oryeshko, Nathan Bell, Honglei Zhuang, Xuanhui Wang, Yonghui Wu, Alexander Grushetsky

The goal of model distillation is to faithfully transfer teacher model knowledge to a model which is faster, more generalizable, more interpretable, or possesses other desirable characteristics.

Neural Rankers are hitherto Outperformed by Gradient Boosted Decision Trees

no code implementations ICLR 2021 Zhen Qin, Le Yan, Honglei Zhuang, Yi Tay, Rama Kumar Pasumarthi, Xuanhui Wang, Michael Bendersky, Marc Najork

We first validate this concern by showing that most recent neural LTR models are, by a large margin, inferior to the best publicly available Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDT) in terms of their reported ranking accuracy on benchmark datasets.


What Makes a Star Teacher? A Hierarchical BERT Model for Evaluating Teacher's Performance in Online Education

no code implementations3 Dec 2020 Wen Wang, Honglei Zhuang, Mi Zhou, Hanyu Liu, Beibei Li

Based on these insights, we then propose a hierarchical course BERT model to predict teachers' performance in online education.

Adaptive Double-Exploration Tradeoff for Outlier Detection

no code implementations13 May 2020 Xiaojin Zhang, Honglei Zhuang, Shengyu Zhang, Yuan Zhou

We study a variant of the thresholding bandit problem (TBP) in the context of outlier detection, where the objective is to identify the outliers whose rewards are above a threshold.

Outlier Detection

Separate and Attend in Personal Email Search

no code implementations21 Nov 2019 Yu Meng, Maryam Karimzadehgan, Honglei Zhuang, Donald Metzler

In personal email search, user queries often impose different requirements on different aspects of the retrieved emails.


Spherical Text Embedding

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Yu Meng, Jiaxin Huang, Guangyuan Wang, Chao Zhang, Honglei Zhuang, Lance Kaplan, Jiawei Han

While text embeddings are typically learned in the Euclidean space, directional similarity is often more effective in tasks such as word similarity and document clustering, which creates a gap between the training stage and usage stage of text embedding.

Clustering Riemannian optimization +1

Identifying Outlier Arms in Multi-Armed Bandit

no code implementations NeurIPS 2017 Honglei Zhuang, Chi Wang, Yifan Wang

Outlier detection is a powerful method to narrow down the attention to a few objects after the data for them are collected.

Outlier Detection

Identifying Semantically Deviating Outlier Documents

no code implementations EMNLP 2017 Honglei Zhuang, Chi Wang, Fangbo Tao, Lance Kaplan, Jiawei Han

A document outlier is a document that substantially deviates in semantics from the majority ones in a corpus.

Outlier Detection

PReP: Path-Based Relevance from a Probabilistic Perspective in Heterogeneous Information Networks

no code implementations5 Jun 2017 Yu Shi, Po-Wei Chan, Honglei Zhuang, Huan Gui, Jiawei Han

We also identify, from real-world data, and propose to model cross-meta-path synergy, which is a characteristic important for defining path-based HIN relevance and has not been modeled by existing methods.

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