Search Results for author: Hongrui Wang

Found 10 papers, 5 papers with code

面向人工智能伦理计算的中文道德词典构建方法研究(Construction of a Chinese Moral Dictionary for Artificial Intelligence Ethical Computing)

no code implementations CCL 2020 Hongrui Wang, Chang Liu, Dong Yu

道德词典资源的建设是人工智能伦理计算的一个研究重点。由于道德行为复杂多样, 现有的英文道德词典分类体系并不完善, 而中文方面目前尚未有相关的词典资源, 理论体系和构建方法仍待探究。针对以上问题, 该文提出了面向人工智能伦理计算的中文道德词典构建任务, 设计了四类标签和四种类型, 得到包含25, 012个词的中文道德词典资源。实验结果表明, 该词典资源不仅能够使机器学会道德知识, 判断词的道德标签和类型, 而且能够为句子级别的道德文本分析提供数据支持。

Neural oscillators for generalization of physics-informed machine learning

1 code implementation17 Aug 2023 Taniya Kapoor, Abhishek Chandra, Daniel M. Tartakovsky, Hongrui Wang, Alfredo Nunez, Rolf Dollevoet

A primary challenge of physics-informed machine learning (PIML) is its generalization beyond the training domain, especially when dealing with complex physical problems represented by partial differential equations (PDEs).

Physics-informed machine learning

Physics-informed machine learning for moving load problems

no code implementations1 Apr 2023 Taniya Kapoor, Hongrui Wang, Alfredo Núñez, Rolf Dollevoet

This paper presents a new approach to simulate forward and inverse problems of moving loads using physics-informed machine learning (PIML).

Physics-informed machine learning

PCCA-Model: an attention module for medical image segmentation

no code implementations Biomedical Optics Express 2023 LINJIE LIU, Guanglei Wang, * YANLIN WU, Hongrui Wang, AND YAN LI

Based on the idea that the human visual cortex differs in terms of the size of the receptive field and can sense the stimulus location, we propose the pyramid channel coordinate attention (PCCA) module to fuse multiscale features in the channel direction, aggregate local and global channel information, combine them with the location information in the spatial direction, and then integrate them into the existing semantic segmentation network.

Image Segmentation Medical Image Segmentation +2

Physics-informed neural networks for solving forward and inverse problems in complex beam systems

no code implementations2 Mar 2023 Taniya Kapoor, Hongrui Wang, Alfredo Nunez, Rolf Dollevoet

This paper proposes a new framework using physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) to simulate complex structural systems that consist of single and double beams based on Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko theory, where the double beams are connected with a Winkler foundation.

MA-Net: A Multi-Scale Attention Network for Liver and Tumor Segmentation

3 code implementations IEEE Access 2020 Tongle Fan, Guanglei Wang, Yan Li, Hongrui Wang

In recent years, a large number of variants of U-Net based on Multi-scale feature fusion are proposed to improve the segmentation performance for medical image segmentation.

Image Segmentation Medical Image Segmentation +2

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