Search Results for author: Hongxiang Gu

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

ALOHA: from Attention to Likes -- a unified mOdel for understanding HumAn responses to diverse visual content

no code implementations15 Dec 2023 Peizhao Li, Junfeng He, Gang Li, Rachit Bhargava, Shaolei Shen, Nachiappan Valliappan, Youwei Liang, Hongxiang Gu, Venky Ramachandran, Golnaz Farhadi, Yang Li, Kai J Kohlhoff, Vidhya Navalpakkam

Progress in human behavior modeling involves understanding both implicit, early-stage perceptual behavior such as human attention and explicit, later-stage behavior such as subjective preferences/likes.

From Thumbnails to Summaries - A single Deep Neural Network to Rule Them All

no code implementations1 Aug 2018 Hongxiang Gu, Viswanathan Swaminathan

The encoder selects a subset from the input video while the decoder seeks to reconstruct the video from the selection.

Decoder Management

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