Search Results for author: Hongxu Ma

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Sequence Generation Modeling for Continuous Value Prediction

no code implementations28 Dec 2024 Hongxu Ma, Kai Tian, Tao Zhang, Xuefeng Zhang, Chunjie Chen, Han Li, Jihong Guan, Shuigeng Zhou

Continuous value prediction (CVP) plays a crucial role in short video recommendation, capturing user preferences through precise numerical estimations.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +5

TorchSpatial: A Location Encoding Framework and Benchmark for Spatial Representation Learning

2 code implementations21 Jun 2024 Nemin Wu, Qian Cao, Zhangyu Wang, Zeping Liu, Yanlin Qi, Jielu Zhang, Joshua Ni, Xiaobai Yao, Hongxu Ma, Lan Mu, Stefano Ermon, Tanuja Ganu, Akshay Nambi, Ni Lao, Gengchen Mai

To fill this gap, we propose TorchSpatial, a learning framework and benchmark for location (point) encoding, which is one of the most fundamental data types of spatial representation learning.

Fairness Geographic Question Answering +4

SSIF: Learning Continuous Image Representation for Spatial-Spectral Super-Resolution

no code implementations30 Sep 2023 Gengchen Mai, Ni Lao, Weiwei Sun, Yuchi Ma, Jiaming Song, Chenlin Meng, Hongxu Ma, Jinmeng Rao, Ziyuan Li, Stefano Ermon

Existing digital sensors capture images at fixed spatial and spectral resolutions (e. g., RGB, multispectral, and hyperspectral images), and each combination requires bespoke machine learning models.

Spectral Super-Resolution Super-Resolution

Learning fast and agile quadrupedal locomotion over complex terrain

1 code implementation2 Jul 2022 Xu Chang, Zhitong Zhang, Honglei An, Hongxu Ma, Qing Wei

In this paper, we propose a robust controller that achieves natural and stably fast locomotion on a real blind quadruped robot.

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