Search Results for author: Hongyan Zhi

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Prioritized Semantic Learning for Zero-shot Instance Navigation

1 code implementation18 Mar 2024 Xinyu Sun, Lizhao Liu, Hongyan Zhi, Ronghe Qiu, Junwei Liang

Furthermore, for the popular HM3D environment, we present an Instance Navigation (InstanceNav) task that requires going to a specific object instance with detailed descriptions, as opposed to the Object Navigation (ObjectNav) task where the goal is defined merely by the object category.

Language Modelling Object

$A^2$Nav: Action-Aware Zero-Shot Robot Navigation by Exploiting Vision-and-Language Ability of Foundation Models

no code implementations15 Aug 2023 Peihao Chen, Xinyu Sun, Hongyan Zhi, Runhao Zeng, Thomas H. Li, Gaowen Liu, Mingkui Tan, Chuang Gan

We study the task of zero-shot vision-and-language navigation (ZS-VLN), a practical yet challenging problem in which an agent learns to navigate following a path described by language instructions without requiring any path-instruction annotation data.

Navigate Robot Navigation +1

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