Search Results for author: Hoseong Cho

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Leveraging 2D Masked Reconstruction for Domain Adaptation of 3D Pose Estimation

no code implementations14 Jan 2025 Hansoo Park, Chanwoo Kim, Jihyeon Kim, Hoseong Cho, Nhat Nguyen Bao Truong, Taehwan Kim, Seungryul Baek

RGB-based 3D pose estimation methods have been successful with the development of deep learning and the emergence of high-quality 3D pose datasets.

3D Pose Estimation Hand Pose Estimation +1

SDDGR: Stable Diffusion-based Deep Generative Replay for Class Incremental Object Detection

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Junsu Kim, Hoseong Cho, Jihyeon Kim, Yihalem Yimolal Tiruneh, Seungryul Baek

In the field of class incremental learning (CIL), generative replay has become increasingly prominent as a method to mitigate the catastrophic forgetting, alongside the continuous improvements in generative models.

class-incremental learning Class Incremental Learning +5

Transformer-Based Unified Recognition of Two Hands Manipulating Objects

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Hoseong Cho, Chanwoo Kim, Jihyeon Kim, Seongyeong Lee, Elkhan Ismayilzada, Seungryul Baek

In our framework, we insert the whole image depicting two hands, an object and their interactions as input and jointly estimate 3 information from each frame: poses of two hands, pose of an object and object types.

Action Recognition Object

Transformer-based Action recognition in hand-object interacting scenarios

no code implementations20 Oct 2022 Hoseong Cho, Seungryul Baek

This report describes the 2nd place solution to the ECCV 2022 Human Body, Hands, and Activities (HBHA) from Egocentric and Multi-view Cameras Challenge: Action Recognition.

Action Recognition Object

Transformer-based Global 3D Hand Pose Estimation in Two Hands Manipulating Objects Scenarios

no code implementations20 Oct 2022 Hoseong Cho, Donguk Kim, Chanwoo Kim, Seongyeong Lee, Seungryul Baek

In this challenge, we aim to estimate global 3D hand poses from the input image where two hands and an object are interacting on the egocentric viewpoint.

3D Hand Pose Estimation

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