Search Results for author: Houssam Nassif

Found 16 papers, 2 papers with code

Best of Three Worlds: Adaptive Experimentation for Digital Marketing in Practice

no code implementations16 Feb 2024 Tanner Fiez, Houssam Nassif, Yu-cheng Chen, Sergio Gamez, Lalit Jain

Adaptive experimental design (AED) methods are increasingly being used in industry as a tool to boost testing throughput or reduce experimentation cost relative to traditional A/B/N testing methods.

counterfactual Counterfactual Inference +2

On Neural Networks as Infinite Tree-Structured Probabilistic Graphical Models

1 code implementation27 May 2023 Boyao Li, Alexandar J. Thomson, Houssam Nassif, Matthew M. Engelhard, David Page

Deep neural networks (DNNs) lack the precise semantics and definitive probabilistic interpretation of probabilistic graphical models (PGMs).

Gaussian Processes

A Data-Driven State Aggregation Approach for Dynamic Discrete Choice Models

no code implementations11 Apr 2023 Sinong Geng, Houssam Nassif, Carlos A. Manzanares

We use these estimated Q-functions, along with a clustering algorithm, to select a subset of states that are the most pivotal for driving changes in Q-functions.

Discrete Choice Models

Neural Insights for Digital Marketing Content Design

no code implementations2 Feb 2023 Fanjie Kong, Yuan Li, Houssam Nassif, Tanner Fiez, Ricardo Henao, Shreya Chakrabarti

In digital marketing, experimenting with new website content is one of the key levers to improve customer engagement.


Adaptive Experimental Design and Counterfactual Inference

no code implementations25 Oct 2022 Tanner Fiez, Sergio Gamez, Arick Chen, Houssam Nassif, Lalit Jain

Adaptive experimental design methods are increasingly being used in industry as a tool to boost testing throughput or reduce experimentation cost relative to traditional A/B/N testing methods.

counterfactual Counterfactual Inference +1

Instance-optimal PAC Algorithms for Contextual Bandits

no code implementations5 Jul 2022 Zhaoqi Li, Lillian Ratliff, Houssam Nassif, Kevin Jamieson, Lalit Jain

In the stochastic contextual bandit setting, regret-minimizing algorithms have been extensively researched, but their instance-minimizing best-arm identification counterparts remain seldom studied.

Multi-Armed Bandits

Improved Confidence Bounds for the Linear Logistic Model and Applications to Linear Bandits

no code implementations23 Nov 2020 Kwang-Sung Jun, Lalit Jain, Blake Mason, Houssam Nassif

Specifically, our confidence bound avoids a direct dependence on $1/\kappa$, where $\kappa$ is the minimal variance over all arms' reward distributions.

Deep PQR: Solving Inverse Reinforcement Learning using Anchor Actions

1 code implementation15 Jul 2020 Sinong Geng, Houssam Nassif, Carlos A. Manzanares, A. Max Reppen, Ronnie Sircar

We name our method PQR, as it sequentially estimates the Policy, the $Q$-function, and the Reward function by deep learning.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Bayesian Meta-Prior Learning Using Empirical Bayes

no code implementations4 Feb 2020 Sareh Nabi, Houssam Nassif, Joseph Hong, Hamed Mamani, Guido Imbens

Our Empirical Bayes method clamps features in each group together and uses the deployed model's observed data to empirically compute a hierarchical prior in hindsight.

Combinatorial Optimization Management

Seeker: Real-Time Interactive Search

no code implementations17 May 2019 Ari Biswas, Thai T. Pham, Michael Vogelsong, Benjamin Snyder, Houssam Nassif

On the other hand, users often have a mental picture of the desired item and are able to answer ordinal questions of the form: "Is this item similar to what you have in mind?"

An Efficient Bandit Algorithm for Realtime Multivariate Optimization

no code implementations22 Oct 2018 Daniel N. Hill, Houssam Nassif, Yi Liu, Anand Iyer, S. V. N. Vishwanathan

We further apply our algorithm to optimize a message that promotes adoption of an Amazon service.

Adaptive, Personalized Diversity for Visual Discovery

no code implementations2 Oct 2018 Choon Hui Teo, Houssam Nassif, Daniel Hill, Sriram Srinavasan, Mitchell Goodman, Vijai Mohan, SVN Vishwanathan

Search queries are appropriate when users have explicit intent, but they perform poorly when the intent is difficult to express or if the user is simply looking to be inspired.


An Inductive Logic Programming Approach to Validate Hexose Binding Biochemical Knowledge

no code implementations2 Oct 2018 Houssam Nassif, Hassan Al-Ali, Sawsan Khuri, Walid Keirouz, David Page

Hexoses are simple sugars that play a key role in many cellular pathways, and in the regulation of development and disease mechanisms.

Inductive logic programming

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