Search Results for author: Hoyun Song

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

A Large-scale Comprehensive Abusiveness Detection Dataset with Multifaceted Labels from Reddit

1 code implementation CoNLL (EMNLP) 2021 Hoyun Song, Soo Hyun Ryu, Huije Lee, Jong Park

As users in online communities suffer from severe side effects of abusive language, many researchers attempted to detect abusive texts from social media, presenting several datasets for such detection.

Abusive Language Natural Language Understanding

Ask LLMs Directly, "What shapes your bias?": Measuring Social Bias in Large Language Models

no code implementations6 Jun 2024 Jisu Shin, Hoyun Song, Huije Lee, Soyeong Jeong, Jong C. Park

To this end, we propose a novel strategy to intuitively quantify these social perceptions and suggest metrics that can evaluate the social biases within LLMs by aggregating diverse social perceptions.

A Simple and Flexible Modeling for Mental Disorder Detection by Learning from Clinical Questionnaires

1 code implementation5 Jun 2023 Hoyun Song, Jisu Shin, Huije Lee, Jong C. Park

Our detailed analysis shows that the proposed model is effective at leveraging domain knowledge, transferable to other mental disorders, and providing interpretable detection results.

ELF22: A Context-based Counter Trolling Dataset to Combat Internet Trolls

1 code implementation LREC 2022 Huije Lee, Young Ju NA, Hoyun Song, Jisu Shin, Jong C. Park

In particular, we constructed a pair-wise dataset that includes troll comments and counter responses with labeled response strategies, which enables models fine-tuned on our dataset to generate responses by varying counter responses according to the specified strategy.

Response Generation Sentence

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