Search Results for author: Hua Geng

Found 9 papers, 1 papers with code

Mode Switching-Induced Instability of Multi-source Feed DC Microgrid

no code implementations27 Jan 2025 Shanshan Jiang, Zelin Sun, Jiankun Zhang, Hua Geng

To fill this gap, this paper aims to provide a general analysis framework for mode switching-induced instability in multi-source DCMGs.

Management Scheduling

Tilted Quantile Gradient Updates for Quantile-Constrained Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation17 Dec 2024 Chenglin Li, Guangchun Ruan, Hua Geng

Safe reinforcement learning (RL) is a popular and versatile paradigm to learn reward-maximizing policies with safety guarantees.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +2

Dynamic Modeling and Control for an Offshore Semisubmersible Floating Wind Turbine

no code implementations17 Jun 2024 Yingjie Gong, Qinmin Yang, Hua Geng, Wenchao Meng, Lin Wang

In particular, both the rotor dynamics and the finite rotations of the platform are considered in presented modeling approach, thereby effectively capturing the complex interplay between the platform, tower, nacelle, and rotor under combined wind and wave loads.

continuous-control Continuous Control

Multi-Objective Sizing Optimization Method of Microgrid Considering Cost and Carbon Emissions

no code implementations11 Jun 2024 Xiang Zhu, Guangchun Ruan, Hua Geng, Honghai Liu, Mingfei Bai, Chao Peng

Microgrid serves as a promising solution to integrate and manage distributed renewable energy resources.


Dynamic Virtual Power Plants With Frequency Regulation Capacity

no code implementations10 Jun 2024 Xiang Zhu, Guangchun Ruan, Hua Geng

For integrating heterogeneous distributed energy resources to provide fast frequency regulation, this paper proposes a dynamic virtual power plant~(DVPP) with frequency regulation capacity.

Transient Stability of Low-Inertia Power Systems with Inverter-Based Generation

no code implementations30 Nov 2021 Changjun He, Xiuqiang He, Hua Geng, Huadong Sun, Shiyun Xu

This criterion is proved to be a sufficient stability condition for addressing the effects of the jumps and cosine damping coefficient on the system stability.

Mode Clustering Based Dynamic Equivalent Modeling of Wind Farm for Small-Signal Stability Analysis

no code implementations17 Sep 2021 Xiuqiang He, Hua Geng, Geng Yang

It is deemed that a DEM can be used to represent the whole WF to evaluate its impact on the SSS of power systems, as long as the frequency response of the DEM adequately matches that of the detailed WF model around the frequency of oscillation modes of concern.


Transient Stability of Hybrid Power Systems Dominated by Different Types of Grid-Forming Devices

no code implementations22 Apr 2021 Xiuqiang He, Hua Geng

This paper investigates the transient stability of power systems co-dominated by different types of grid-forming (GFM) devices.

Synchronization Instability of Inverter-Based Generation During Asymmetrical Grid Faults

no code implementations20 Nov 2020 Xiuqiang He, Changjun He, Sisi Pan, Hua Geng, Feng Liu

In contrast, both positive- and negative-sequence synchronizations should be of concern for inverter-based generation (IBG) under asymmetrical faults.

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