Search Results for author: Huaiyu Li

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Incremental Concept Learning via Online Generative Memory Recall

no code implementations5 Jul 2019 Huaiyu Li, Wei-Ming Dong, Bao-Gang Hu

The main reason for catastrophic forgetting is that the past concept data is not available and neural weights are changed during incrementally learning new concepts.

class-incremental learning Class Incremental Learning +2

LGM-Net: Learning to Generate Matching Networks for Few-Shot Learning

1 code implementation15 May 2019 Huaiyu Li, Wei-Ming Dong, Xing Mei, Chongyang Ma, Feiyue Huang, Bao-Gang Hu

The TargetNet module is a neural network for solving a specific task and the MetaNet module aims at learning to generate functional weights for TargetNet by observing training samples.

Few-Shot Learning

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