Search Results for author: Huang

Found 15 papers, 3 papers with code

Impact of Noisy Labels on Sound Event Detection: Deletion Errors Are More Detrimental Than Insertion Errors

no code implementations27 Aug 2024 Yuliang Zhang, Roberto Togneri, Defeng, Huang

We demonstrate that loss functions designed to address data imbalance in SED can effectively reduce the impact of noisy labels on system performance.

Event Detection Sound Event Detection +1

Envisioning Possibilities and Challenges of AI for Personalized Cancer Care

no code implementations19 Aug 2024 Elaine Kong, Kuo-Ting, Huang, Aakash Gautam

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare, including in caring for cancer survivors, has gained significant interest.

ABCD: A Graph Framework to Convert Complex Sentences to a Covering Set of Simple Sentences

2 code implementations ACL 2021 Yanjun Gao, Ting-Hao, Huang, Rebecca J. Passonneau

On DeSSE, which has a more even balance of complex sentence types, our model achieves higher accuracy on the number of atomic sentences than an encoder-decoder baseline.

Argument Mining Decoder +5

Personalized Keyphrase Detection using Speaker and Environment Information

no code implementations28 Apr 2021 Rajeev Rikhye, Quan Wang, Qiao Liang, Yanzhang He, Ding Zhao, Yiteng, Huang, Arun Narayanan, Ian McGraw

In this paper, we introduce a streaming keyphrase detection system that can be easily customized to accurately detect any phrase composed of words from a large vocabulary.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +3

Unitary Approximate Message Passing for Sparse Bayesian Learning

no code implementations25 Jan 2021 Man Luo, Qinghua Guo, Ming Jin, Yonina C. Eldar, Defeng, Huang, Xiangming Meng

Sparse Bayesian learning (SBL) can be implemented with low complexity based on the approximate message passing (AMP) algorithm.

Variational Inference

Assessing Post-Disaster Damage from Satellite Imagery using Semi-Supervised Learning Techniques

no code implementations24 Nov 2020 Jihyeon Lee, Joseph Z. Xu, Kihyuk Sohn, Wenhan Lu, David Berthelot, Izzeddin Gur, Pranav Khaitan, Ke-Wei, Huang, Kyriacos Koupparis, Bernhard Kowatsch

To respond to disasters such as earthquakes, wildfires, and armed conflicts, humanitarian organizations require accurate and timely data in the form of damage assessments, which indicate what buildings and population centers have been most affected.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Disaster Response +1

Reinforcement Learning Control of Robotic Knee with Human in the Loop by Flexible Policy Iteration

no code implementations16 Jun 2020 Xiang Gao, Jennie Si, Yue Wen, Minhan Li, He, Huang

We are motivated by the real challenges presented in a human-robot system to develop new designs that are efficient at data level and with performance guarantees such as stability and optimality at systems level.

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Challenges in Providing Automatic Affective Feedback in Instant Messaging Applications

no code implementations9 Feb 2017 Chieh-Yang Huang, Ting-Hao, Huang, Lun-Wei Ku

Instant messaging is one of the major channels of computer mediated communication.

Approximate Message Passing with Nearest Neighbor Sparsity Pattern Learning

no code implementations4 Jan 2016 Xiangming Meng, Sheng Wu, Linling Kuang, Defeng, Huang, Jianhua Lu

We consider the problem of recovering clustered sparse signals with no prior knowledge of the sparsity pattern.

TF-Label: a Topological-Folding Labeling Scheme for Reachability Querying in a Large Graph

1 code implementation1 Jun 2013 Cheng, J., Huang, S., Wu, H., Fu, A.W.

We propose TF-label, an efficient and scalable labeling scheme for processing reachability queries.

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