Search Results for author: Hui Fang

Found 34 papers, 13 papers with code

Multimodal large language model for wheat breeding: a new exploration of smart breeding

no code implementations20 Nov 2024 Guofeng Yang, Yu Li, Yong He, Zhenjiang Zhou, Lingzhen Ye, Hui Fang, Yiqi Luo, Xuping Feng

UAV remote sensing technology has become a key technology in crop breeding, which can achieve high-throughput and non-destructive collection of crop phenotyping data.

Language Modelling Multimodal Large Language Model +1

Towards Fair and Rigorous Evaluations: Hyperparameter Optimization for Top-N Recommendation Task with Implicit Feedback

no code implementations14 Aug 2024 Hui Fang, Xu Feng, Lu Qin, Zhu Sun

This study contributes to algorithmic research in recommender systems based on hyperparameter optimization, providing a fair basis for comparison.

Hyperparameter Optimization Recommendation Systems

Toward Automatic Group Membership Annotation for Group Fairness Evaluation

no code implementations12 Jul 2024 Fumian Chen, Dayu Yang, Hui Fang

With the increasing research attention on fairness in information retrieval systems, more and more fairness-aware algorithms have been proposed to ensure fairness for a sustainable and healthy retrieval ecosystem.

Fairness Information Retrieval +1

Learn to be Fair without Labels: a Distribution-based Learning Framework for Fair Ranking

no code implementations28 May 2024 Fumian Chen, Hui Fang

Learning-based models are more flexible and achieve better performance than traditional methods.


Behavior Alignment: A New Perspective of Evaluating LLM-based Conversational Recommender Systems

1 code implementation17 Apr 2024 Dayu Yang, Fumian Chen, Hui Fang

To fill this gap, we propose Behavior Alignment, a new evaluation metric to measure how well the recommendation strategies made by a LLM-based CRS are consistent with human recommenders'.

Conversational Recommendation Recommendation Systems

A Simple Yet Effective Approach for Diversified Session-Based Recommendation

1 code implementation30 Mar 2024 Qing Yin, Hui Fang, Zhu Sun, Yew-Soon Ong

It consists of two novel designs: a model-agnostic diversity-oriented loss function, and a non-invasive category-aware attention mechanism.

Diversity Session-Based Recommendations

HPL-ESS: Hybrid Pseudo-Labeling for Unsupervised Event-based Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Linglin Jing, Yiming Ding, Yunpeng Gao, Zhigang Wang, Xu Yan, Dong Wang, Gerald Schaefer, Hui Fang, Bin Zhao, Xuelong Li

In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid pseudo-labeling framework for unsupervised event-based semantic segmentation, HPL-ESS, to alleviate the influence of noisy pseudo labels.

Image Reconstruction Segmentation +2

Dynamic In-Context Learning from Nearest Neighbors for Bundle Generation

no code implementations26 Dec 2023 Zhu Sun, Kaidong Feng, Jie Yang, Xinghua Qu, Hui Fang, Yew-Soon Ong, Wenyuan Liu

To enhance reliability and mitigate the hallucination issue, we develop (1) a self-correction strategy to foster mutual improvement in both tasks without supervision signals; and (2) an auto-feedback mechanism to recurrently offer dynamic supervision based on the distinct mistakes made by ChatGPT on various neighbor sessions.

Hallucination In-Context Learning +2

CrossBind: Collaborative Cross-Modal Identification of Protein Nucleic-Acid-Binding Residues

1 code implementation19 Dec 2023 Linglin Jing, Sheng Xu, Yifan Wang, Yuzhe Zhou, Tao Shen, Zhigang Ji, Hui Fang, Zhen Li, Siqi Sun

Accurate identification of protein nucleic-acid-binding residues poses a significant challenge with important implications for various biological processes and drug design.

Contrastive Learning Protein Language Model

Session-Based Recommendation by Exploiting Substitutable and Complementary Relationships from Multi-behavior Data

no code implementations13 Dec 2023 Huizi Wu, Cong Geng, Hui Fang

Session-based recommendation (SR) aims to dynamically recommend items to a user based on a sequence of the most recent user-item interactions.

Denoising Session-Based Recommendations

Towards Differential Privacy in Sequential Recommendation: A Noisy Graph Neural Network Approach

no code implementations17 Sep 2023 Wentao Hu, Hui Fang

To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to achieve differential privacy in sequential recommendation with dependent interactions.

Graph Neural Network Sequential Recommendation

CPMR: Context-Aware Incremental Sequential Recommendation with Pseudo-Multi-Task Learning

1 code implementation9 Sep 2023 Qingtian Bian, Jiaxing Xu, Hui Fang, Yiping Ke

To dually improve the performance of temporal states evolution and incremental recommendation, we design a Pseudo-Multi-Task Learning (PMTL) paradigm by stacking the incremental single-target recommendations into one multi-target task for joint optimization.

Multi-Task Learning Sequential Recommendation

ZeQR: Zero-shot Query Reformulation for Conversational Search

1 code implementation18 Jul 2023 Dayu Yang, Yue Zhang, Hui Fang

Nevertheless, existing zero-shot methods face three primary limitations: they are not universally applicable to all retrievers, their effectiveness lacks sufficient explainability, and they struggle to resolve common conversational ambiguities caused by omission.

Conversational Search Information Retrieval +2

Mixed-initiative Query Rewriting in Conversational Passage Retrieval

no code implementations17 Jul 2023 Dayu Yang, Yue Zhang, Hui Fang

In this work, we aim to reproduce multi-stage retrieval pipelines and explore one of the potential benefits of involving mixed-initiative interaction in conversational passage retrieval scenarios: reformulating raw queries.

Passage Retrieval Retrieval

Decentralized Matrix Factorization with Heterogeneous Differential Privacy

no code implementations1 Dec 2022 Wentao Hu, Hui Fang

Existing differentially private matrix factorization methods either assume the recommender is trusted, or can only provide a uniform level of privacy protection for all users and items with untrusted recommender.

Watermarking in Secure Federated Learning: A Verification Framework Based on Client-Side Backdooring

no code implementations14 Nov 2022 Wenyuan Yang, Shuo Shao, Yue Yang, Xiyao Liu, Ximeng Liu, Zhihua Xia, Gerald Schaefer, Hui Fang

In this paper, we propose a novel client-side FL watermarking scheme to tackle the copyright protection issue in secure FL with HE.

Federated Learning

Understanding Diversity in Session-Based Recommendation

1 code implementation29 Aug 2022 Qing Yin, Hui Fang, Zhu Sun, Yew-Soon Ong

Besides the "trade-off" relationship, they might be positively correlated with each other, that is, having a same-trend (win-win or lose-lose) relationship, which varies across different methods and datasets.

Diversity Session-Based Recommendations

DaisyRec 2.0: Benchmarking Recommendation for Rigorous Evaluation

2 code implementations22 Jun 2022 Zhu Sun, Hui Fang, Jie Yang, Xinghua Qu, Hongyang Liu, Di Yu, Yew-Soon Ong, Jie Zhang

Recently, one critical issue looms large in the field of recommender systems -- there are no effective benchmarks for rigorous evaluation -- which consequently leads to unreproducible evaluation and unfair comparison.

Benchmarking Recommendation Systems

Causality and Correlation Graph Modeling for Effective and Explainable Session-based Recommendation

no code implementations26 Jan 2022 Huizi Wu, Cong Geng, Hui Fang

Considering the varied interpretations and characteristics of causality and correlation relationship between items, in this study, we propose a novel method denoted as CGSR by jointly modeling causality and correlation relationship between items.

Graph Neural Network Session-Based Recommendations

MuSCLe: A Multi-Strategy Contrastive Learning Framework for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations18 Jan 2022 Kunhao Yuan, Gerald Schaefer, Yu-Kun Lai, Yifan Wang, Xiyao Liu, Lin Guan, Hui Fang

Weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) has gained significant popularity since it relies only on weak labels such as image level annotations rather than pixel level annotations required by supervised semantic segmentation (SSS) methods.

Contrastive Learning Segmentation +2

Image Disentanglement Autoencoder for Steganography Without Embedding

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Xiyao Liu, Ziping Ma, Junxing Ma, Jian Zhang, Gerald Schaefer, Hui Fang

Conventional steganography approaches embed a secret message into a carrier for concealed communication but are prone to attack by recent advanced steganalysis tools.

Disentanglement Diversity +1

Analysis of an adaptive lead weighted ResNet for multiclass classification of 12-lead ECGs

no code implementations1 Dec 2021 Zhibin Zhao, Darcy Murphy, Hugh Gifford, Stefan Williams, Annie Darlington, Samuel D. Relton, Hui Fang, David C. Wong

Method: We proposed a squeeze and excite ResNet to automatically learn deep features from 12-lead ECGs, in order to identify 24 cardiac conditions.


Covidex: Neural Ranking Models and Keyword Search Infrastructure for the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset

1 code implementation EMNLP (sdp) 2020 Edwin Zhang, Nikhil Gupta, Raphael Tang, Xiao Han, Ronak Pradeep, Kuang Lu, Yue Zhang, Rodrigo Nogueira, Kyunghyun Cho, Hui Fang, Jimmy Lin

We present Covidex, a search engine that exploits the latest neural ranking models to provide information access to the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset curated by the Allen Institute for AI.

Joint Bilateral Learning for Real-time Universal Photorealistic Style Transfer

3 code implementations ECCV 2020 Xide Xia, Meng Zhang, Tianfan Xue, Zheng Sun, Hui Fang, Brian Kulis, Jiawen Chen

Photorealistic style transfer is the task of transferring the artistic style of an image onto a content target, producing a result that is plausibly taken with a camera.

4k Style Transfer

Research Commentary on Recommendations with Side Information: A Survey and Research Directions

no code implementations19 Sep 2019 Zhu Sun, Qing Guo, Jie Yang, Hui Fang, Guibing Guo, Jie Zhang, Robin Burke

This Research Commentary aims to provide a comprehensive and systematic survey of the recent research on recommender systems with side information.

Knowledge Graphs Recommendation Systems +2

Deep Learning for Sequential Recommendation: Algorithms, Influential Factors, and Evaluations

1 code implementation30 Apr 2019 Hui Fang, Danning Zhang, Yiheng Shu, Guibing Guo

In the field of sequential recommendation, deep learning (DL)-based methods have received a lot of attention in the past few years and surpassed traditional models such as Markov chain-based and factorization-based ones.

Deep Learning Sequential Recommendation +1

Creatism: A deep-learning photographer capable of creating professional work

no code implementations11 Jul 2017 Hui Fang, Meng Zhang

In our system, we break down aesthetics into multiple aspects, each can be learned individually from a shared dataset of professional examples.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Deep Learning

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