Search Results for author: Hui Yin

Found 13 papers, 5 papers with code

Evaluating the Performance of Large Language Models for SDG Mapping (Technical Report)

no code implementations5 Aug 2024 Hui Yin, Amir Aryani, Nakul Nambiar

Given the multi-label nature of the SDG mapping task, we employed metrics such as F1 score, precision, and recall with micro-averaging to evaluate different aspects of the models' performance.

Combining Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models

no code implementations9 Jul 2024 Amanda Kau, Xuzeng He, Aishwarya Nambissan, Aland Astudillo, Hui Yin, Amir Aryani

The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has greatly improved the performance of these applications, showing astonishing results in language understanding and generation.

Knowledge Graphs Text Generation

A Rapid Review of Clustering Algorithms

no code implementations14 Jan 2024 Hui Yin, Amir Aryani, Stephen Petrie, Aishwarya Nambissan, Aland Astudillo, Shengyuan Cao

Clustering algorithms aim to organize data into groups or clusters based on the inherent patterns and similarities within the data.

Clustering Marketing

Style-Guided Shadow Removal

1 code implementation ECCV 2022 Jin Wan, Hui Yin, Zhenyao Wu, Xinyi Wu, Yanting Liu, Song Wang

To address this problem, we propose a style-guided shadow removal network (SG-ShadowNet) for better image-style consistency after shadow removal.

Image Restoration Shadow Removal

CRFormer: A Cross-Region Transformer for Shadow Removal

no code implementations4 Jul 2022 Jin Wan, Hui Yin, Zhenyao Wu, Xinyi Wu, Zhihao Liu, Song Wang

Aiming to restore the original intensity of shadow regions in an image and make them compatible with the remaining non-shadow regions without a trace, shadow removal is a very challenging problem that benefits many downstream image/video-related tasks.

Shadow Removal

Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling for COVID-19 Vaccine Discussions

no code implementations8 Oct 2021 Hui Yin, XiangYu Song, Shuiqiao Yang, JianXin Li

The outbreak of the novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has lasted for nearly two years and caused unprecedented impacts on people's daily life around the world.

Sentiment Analysis

Representation Learning for Short Text Clustering

no code implementations21 Sep 2021 Hui Yin, XiangYu Song, Shuiqiao Yang, Guangyan Huang, JianXin Li

Effective representation learning is critical for short text clustering due to the sparse, high-dimensional and noise attributes of short text corpus.

Clustering Representation Learning +1

From Shadow Generation to Shadow Removal

1 code implementation CVPR 2021 Zhihao Liu, Hui Yin, Xinyi Wu, Zhenyao Wu, Yang Mi, Song Wang

Shadow removal is a computer-vision task that aims to restore the image content in shadow regions.

Shadow Removal

Detecting Topic and Sentiment Dynamics Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Using Social Media

no code implementations5 Jul 2020 Hui Yin, Shuiqiao Yang, Jian-Xin Li

The large scale social media posts (e. g., tweets) provide an ideal data source to infer the mental health for people during this pandemic period.

Shadow Removal by a Lightness-Guided Network with Training on Unpaired Data

1 code implementation28 Jun 2020 Zhihao Liu, Hui Yin, Yang Mi, Mengyang Pu, Song Wang

In this paper, we present a new Lightness-Guided Shadow Removal Network (LG-ShadowNet) for shadow removal by training on unpaired data.

Shadow Removal

Side Window Filtering

1 code implementation CVPR 2019 Hui Yin, Yuanhao Gong, Guoping Qiu

In addition to image filtering, we further show that the SWF principle can be extended to other applications involving the use of a local window.

Denoising image smoothing +2

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