Search Results for author: Huibin Li

Found 10 papers, 1 papers with code

SfmCAD: Unsupervised CAD Reconstruction by Learning Sketch-based Feature Modeling Operations

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Pu Li, Jianwei Guo, Huibin Li, Bedrich Benes, Dong-Ming Yan

This paper introduces SfmCAD a novel unsupervised network that reconstructs 3D shapes by learning the Sketch-based Feature Modeling operations commonly used in modern CAD workflows.

CAD Reconstruction

Reconstructing A Large Scale 3D Face Dataset for Deep 3D Face Identification

no code implementations16 Oct 2020 Cuican Yu, Zihui Zhang, Huibin Li

The experimental results show that the reconstructed 3D facial surfaces are useful and our 2D-aided deep 3D face identification framework is meaningful, facing the scarcity of 3D faces.

3D Face Reconstruction Data Augmentation +2

Discovering Influential Factors in Variational Autoencoder

1 code implementation6 Sep 2018 Shiqi Liu, Jingxin Liu, Qian Zhao, Xiangyong Cao, Huibin Li, Hongy-ing Meng, Sheng Liu, Deyu Meng

In the field of machine learning, it is still a critical issue to identify and supervise the learned representation without manually intervening or intuition assistance to extract useful knowledge or serve for the downstream tasks.

General Classification

Accurate Facial Parts Localization and Deep Learning for 3D Facial Expression Recognition

no code implementations4 Mar 2018 Asim Jan, Huaxiong Ding, Hongy-ing Meng, Liming Chen, Huibin Li

In particular, each textured 3D face scan is firstly represented as a 2D texture map and a depth map with one-to-one dense correspondence.

3D Facial Expression Recognition Action Unit Detection +3

ADMM-Net: A Deep Learning Approach for Compressive Sensing MRI

no code implementations19 May 2017 Yan Yang, Jian Sun, Huibin Li, Zongben Xu

Due to the combination of the advantages in model-based approach and deep learning approach, the ADMM-Nets achieve state-of-the-art reconstruction accuracies with fast computational speed.

Compressive Sensing Image Reconstruction

Deep Representation of Facial Geometric and Photometric Attributes for Automatic 3D Facial Expression Recognition

no code implementations10 Nov 2015 Huibin Li, Jian Sun, Dong Wang, Zongben Xu, Liming Chen

In this paper, we present a novel approach to automatic 3D Facial Expression Recognition (FER) based on deep representation of facial 3D geometric and 2D photometric attributes.

3D Facial Expression Recognition Facial Expression Recognition

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