Search Results for author: Huihui Zhou

Found 14 papers, 7 papers with code

SVFormer: A Direct Training Spiking Transformer for Efficient Video Action Recognition

no code implementations21 Jun 2024 Liutao Yu, Liwei Huang, Chenlin Zhou, Han Zhang, Zhengyu Ma, Huihui Zhou, Yonghong Tian

To address this challenge, some researchers have turned to brain-inspired spiking neural networks (SNNs), such as recurrent SNNs and ANN-converted SNNs, leveraging their inherent temporal dynamics and energy efficiency.

Action Recognition Temporal Action Localization

Direct Training High-Performance Deep Spiking Neural Networks: A Review of Theories and Methods

1 code implementation6 May 2024 Chenlin Zhou, Han Zhang, Liutao Yu, Yumin Ye, Zhaokun Zhou, Liwei Huang, Zhengyu Ma, Xiaopeng Fan, Huihui Zhou, Yonghong Tian

In this paper, we provide a new perspective to summarize the theories and methods for training deep SNNs with high performance in a systematic and comprehensive way, including theory fundamentals, spiking neuron models, advanced SNN models and residual architectures, software frameworks and neuromorphic hardware, applications, and future trends.

QKFormer: Hierarchical Spiking Transformer using Q-K Attention

2 code implementations25 Mar 2024 Chenlin Zhou, Han Zhang, Zhaokun Zhou, Liutao Yu, Liwei Huang, Xiaopeng Fan, Li Yuan, Zhengyu Ma, Huihui Zhou, Yonghong Tian

ii) We incorporate the hierarchical structure, which significantly benefits the performance of both the brain and artificial neural networks, into spiking transformers to obtain multi-scale spiking representation.

SpikingJelly: An open-source machine learning infrastructure platform for spike-based intelligence

1 code implementation25 Oct 2023 Wei Fang, Yanqi Chen, Jianhao Ding, Zhaofei Yu, Timothée Masquelier, Ding Chen, Liwei Huang, Huihui Zhou, Guoqi Li, Yonghong Tian

Spiking neural networks (SNNs) aim to realize brain-inspired intelligence on neuromorphic chips with high energy efficiency by introducing neural dynamics and spike properties.

Code Generation

Deep recurrent spiking neural networks capture both static and dynamic representations of the visual cortex under movie stimuli

no code implementations2 Jun 2023 Liwei Huang, Zhengyu Ma, Huihui Zhou, Yonghong Tian

Taken together, our work is the first to apply deep recurrent SNNs to model the mouse visual cortex under movie stimuli and we establish that these networks are competent to capture both static and dynamic representations and make contributions to understanding the movie information processing mechanisms of the visual cortex.

Action Recognition Image Classification +2

Binary stochasticity enabled highly efficient neuromorphic deep learning achieves better-than-software accuracy

no code implementations25 Apr 2023 Yang Li, Wei Wang, Ming Wang, Chunmeng Dou, Zhengyu Ma, Huihui Zhou, Peng Zhang, Nicola Lepri, Xumeng Zhang, Qing Luo, Xiaoxin Xu, Guanhua Yang, Feng Zhang, Ling Li, Daniele Ielmini, Ming Liu

We propose a binary stochastic learning algorithm that modifies all elementary neural network operations, by introducing (i) stochastic binarization of both the forwarding signals and the activation function derivatives, (ii) signed binarization of the backpropagating errors, and (iii) step-wised weight updates.


Spikingformer: Spike-driven Residual Learning for Transformer-based Spiking Neural Network

1 code implementation24 Apr 2023 Chenlin Zhou, Liutao Yu, Zhaokun Zhou, Zhengyu Ma, Han Zhang, Huihui Zhou, Yonghong Tian

Based on this residual design, we develop Spikingformer, a pure transformer-based spiking neural network.

Deep Spiking Neural Networks with High Representation Similarity Model Visual Pathways of Macaque and Mouse

1 code implementation9 Mar 2023 Liwei Huang, Zhengyu Ma, Liutao Yu, Huihui Zhou, Yonghong Tian

However, they highly simplify the computational properties of neurons compared to their biological counterparts.

Deep Auto-encoder with Neural Response

no code implementations30 Nov 2021 Xuming Ran, Jie Zhang, Ziyuan Ye, Haiyan Wu, Qi Xu, Huihui Zhou, Quanying Liu

In this study, we propose an integrated framework called Deep Autoencoder with Neural Response (DAE-NR), which incorporates information from ANN and the visual cortex to achieve better image reconstruction performance and higher neural representation similarity between biological and artificial neurons.

Decoder Image Reconstruction

Bigeminal Priors Variational auto-encoder

no code implementations5 Oct 2020 Xuming Ran, Mingkun Xu, Qi Xu, Huihui Zhou, Quanying Liu

The likelihood-based generative models have been reported to be highly robust to the out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs and can be a detector by assuming that the model assigns higher likelihoods to the samples from the in-distribution (ID) dataset than an OOD dataset.

A Two-stream End-to-End Deep Learning Network for Recognizing Atypical Visual Attention in Autism Spectrum Disorder

no code implementations26 Nov 2019 Jin Xie, Longfei Wang, Paula Webster, Yang Yao, Jiayao Sun, Shuo Wang, Huihui Zhou

In this study, we developed a novel two-stream deep learning network for this recognition based on 700 images and corresponding eye movement patterns of ASD and TD, and obtained an accuracy of 0. 95, which was higher than the previous state-of-the-art.

Classification General Classification

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