Search Results for author: Huilin Zhou

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Explaining How a Neural Network Play the Go Game and Let People Learn

no code implementations15 Oct 2023 Huilin Zhou, Huijie Tang, Mingjie Li, Hao Zhang, Zhenyu Liu, Quanshi Zhang

The AI model has surpassed human players in the game of Go, and it is widely believed that the AI model has encoded new knowledge about the Go game beyond human players.

Game of Go

Explaining Generalization Power of a DNN Using Interactive Concepts

no code implementations25 Feb 2023 Huilin Zhou, Hao Zhang, Huiqi Deng, Dongrui Liu, Wen Shen, Shih-Han Chan, Quanshi Zhang

Although there is no universally accepted definition of the concepts encoded by a DNN, the sparsity of interactions in a DNN has been proved, i. e., the output score of a DNN can be well explained by a small number of interactions between input variables.

Building Interpretable Interaction Trees for Deep NLP Models

no code implementations29 Jun 2020 Die Zhang, Huilin Zhou, Hao Zhang, Xiaoyi Bao, Da Huo, Ruizhao Chen, Xu Cheng, Mengyue Wu, Quanshi Zhang

This paper proposes a method to disentangle and quantify interactions among words that are encoded inside a DNN for natural language processing.


Interpretable CNNs for Object Classification

no code implementations8 Jan 2019 Quanshi Zhang, Xin Wang, Ying Nian Wu, Huilin Zhou, Song-Chun Zhu

This paper proposes a generic method to learn interpretable convolutional filters in a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) for object classification, where each interpretable filter encodes features of a specific object part.

Classification General Classification +1

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