Search Results for author: Huiyong Li

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Exploiting Target Location Distribution in MIMO Radar: PCRB vs. PSBP for Waveform Design

no code implementations27 Jul 2024 Lingyun Xu, Bowen Wang, Huiyong Li, Ziyang Cheng

This paper investigates the issue of how to exploit target location distribution for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) radar waveform design.

Radar waveform design

Relative Entropy-Based Constant-Envelope Beamforming for Target Detection in Large-Scale MIMO Radar With Low-Resoultion ADCs

no code implementations19 Jan 2023 Ziyang Cheng, Linlong Wu, Bowen Wang, Julan Xie, Huiyong Li

In the second stage, an efficient iterative algorithm based on majorization-minimization is presented to obtain the constant-envelope beamformer according to the attained transmit power.

Sound Event Detection in Domestic Environments using Dense Recurrent Neural Network

no code implementations4 Nov 2020 Tianchu Yao, Chuang Shi, Huiyong Li

In this paper, we introduce our sound events detection system using a mean-teacher model with convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) for DCASE 2020 Task4, which include residual convolutional block and dense recurrent neural network (DRNN) block.

Data Augmentation Event Detection +1

Indoor Localization by Fusing a Group of Fingerprints Based on Random Forests

no code implementations7 Mar 2017 Xiansheng Guo, Nirwan Ansari, Huiyong Li

Recently, we first proposed a GrOup Of Fingerprints (GOOF) to improve the localization accuracy and reduce the burden of building fingerprints.

Indoor Localization

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