Search Results for author: Huiyuan Yang

Found 21 papers, 3 papers with code

UAV-Enabled Asynchronous Federated Learning

no code implementations11 Mar 2024 Zhiyuan Zhai, Xiaojun Yuan, Xin Wang, Huiyuan Yang

To exploit unprecedented data generation in mobile edge networks, federated learning (FL) has emerged as a promising alternative to the conventional centralized machine learning (ML).

Federated Learning

Integrating Communication, Sensing and Computing in Satellite Internet of Things: Challenges and Opportunities

no code implementations3 Dec 2023 Yong Zuo, Mingyang Yue, Huiyuan Yang, Liantao Wu, Xiaojun Yuan

Satellite Internet of Things (IoT) is to use satellites as the access points for IoT devices to achieve the global coverage of future IoT systems, and is expected to support burgeoning IoT applications, including communication, sensing, and computing.

ECG-SL: Electrocardiogram(ECG) Segment Learning, a deep learning method for ECG signal

no code implementations1 Oct 2023 Han Yu, Huiyuan Yang, Akane Sano

In this work, we propose a novel ECG-Segment based Learning (ECG-SL) framework to explicitly model the periodic nature of ECG signals.

Attribute Self-Supervised Learning +1

Empirical Study of Mix-based Data Augmentation Methods in Physiological Time Series Data

1 code implementation18 Sep 2023 Peikun Guo, Huiyuan Yang, Akane Sano

In this study, we systematically review the mix-based augmentations, including mixup, cutmix, and manifold mixup, on six physiological datasets, evaluating their performance across different sensory data and classification tasks.

Data Augmentation Time Series +1

Weakly-Supervised Text-driven Contrastive Learning for Facial Behavior Understanding

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Xiang Zhang, Taoyue Wang, Xiaotian Li, Huiyuan Yang, Lijun Yin

This is because such pairs inevitably encode the subject-ID information, and the randomly constructed pairs may push similar facial images away due to the limited number of subjects in facial behavior datasets.

Contrastive Learning Facial Expression Recognition

PiRL: Participant-Invariant Representation Learning for Healthcare Using Maximum Mean Discrepancy and Triplet Loss

no code implementations17 Feb 2023 Zhaoyang Cao, Han Yu, Huiyuan Yang, Akane Sano

Due to individual heterogeneity, person-specific models are usually achieving better performance than generic (one-size-fits-all) models in data-driven health applications.

Representation Learning Triplet

PiRL: Participant-Invariant Representation Learning for Healthcare

no code implementations21 Nov 2022 Zhaoyang Cao, Han Yu, Huiyuan Yang, Akane Sano

Due to individual heterogeneity, performance gaps are observed between generic (one-size-fits-all) models and person-specific models in data-driven health applications.

Representation Learning Triplet

Empirical Evaluation of Data Augmentations for Biobehavioral Time Series Data with Deep Learning

1 code implementation13 Oct 2022 Huiyuan Yang, Han Yu, Akane Sano

As an effective technique to increase the data variability and thus train deep models with better generalization, data augmentation (DA) is a critical step for the success of deep learning models on biobehavioral time series data.

Data Augmentation Time Series +1

UAV-Assisted Hierarchical Aggregation for Over-the-Air Federated Learning

no code implementations23 Sep 2022 Xiangyu Zhong, Xiaojun Yuan, Huiyuan Yang, Chenxi Zhong

With huge amounts of data explosively increasing in the mobile edge, over-the-air federated learning (OA-FL) emerges as a promising technique to reduce communication costs and privacy leak risks.

Federated Learning

Federated Learning with Lossy Distributed Source Coding: Analysis and Optimization

no code implementations23 Apr 2022 Huiyuan Yang, Tian Ding, Xiaojun Yuan

We then conduct an FL convergence analysis to connect the aggregation distortion and the FL convergence performance.

Federated Learning Quantization

An EEG-Based Multi-Modal Emotion Database with Both Posed and Authentic Facial Actions for Emotion Analysis

no code implementations29 Mar 2022 Xiaotian Li, Xiang Zhang, Huiyuan Yang, Wenna Duan, Weiying Dai, Lijun Yin

Emotion is an experience associated with a particular pattern of physiological activity along with different physiological, behavioral and cognitive changes.

Cultural Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction EEG +1

Your "Attention" Deserves Attention: A Self-Diversified Multi-Channel Attention for Facial Action Analysis

no code implementations23 Mar 2022 Xiaotian Li, Zhihua Li, Huiyuan Yang, Geran Zhao, Lijun Yin

In this paper, we propose a compact model to enhance the representational and focusing power of neural attention maps and learn the "inter-attention" correlation for refined attention maps, which we term the "Self-Diversified Multi-Channel Attention Network (SMA-Net)".

Action Analysis Facial Expression Recognition +1

More to Less (M2L): Enhanced Health Recognition in the Wild with Reduced Modality of Wearable Sensors

1 code implementation16 Feb 2022 Huiyuan Yang, Han Yu, Kusha Sridhar, Thomas Vaessen, Inez Myin-Germeys, Akane Sano

For example, although combining bio-signals from multiple sensors (i. e., a chest pad sensor and a wrist wearable sensor) has been proved effective for improved performance, wearing multiple devices might be impractical in the free-living context.

Transfer Learning

Over-the-Air Federated Multi-Task Learning Over MIMO Multiple Access Channels

no code implementations27 Dec 2021 Chenxi Zhong, Huiyuan Yang, Xiaojun Yuan

We establish a communication-learning analysis framework for the proposed OA-FMTL scheme by considering the spatial correlation between devices, and formulate an optimization problem for the design of transceiver beamforming and device selection.

Federated Learning Multi-Task Learning

Exploiting Semantic Embedding and Visual Feature for Facial Action Unit Detection

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Huiyuan Yang, Lijun Yin, Yi Zhou, Jiuxiang Gu

The learned AU semantic embeddings are then used as guidance for the generation of attention maps through a cross-modality attention network.

Action Unit Detection Facial Action Unit Detection +1

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Constant-Envelope Wireless Power Transfer

no code implementations7 Dec 2020 Huiyuan Yang, Xiaojun Yuan, Jun Fang, Ying-Chang Liang

By reconfiguring the propagation environment of electromagnetic waves artificially, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) have been regarded as a promising and revolutionary hardware technology to improve the energy and spectrum efficiency of wireless networks.

Fairness Quantization

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Constant-Envelope Wireless Power Transfer

no code implementations2 Jun 2020 Huiyuan Yang, Xiaojun Yuan, Jun Fang, Ying-Chang Liang

By reconfiguring the propagation environment of electromagnetic waves artificially, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) have been regarded as a promising and revolutionary hardware technology to improve the energy and spectrum efficiency of wireless networks.

Facial Expression Recognition by De-Expression Residue Learning

no code implementations CVPR 2018 Huiyuan Yang, Umur Ciftci, Lijun Yin

We call this procedure de-expression because the expressive information is filtered out by the generative model; however, the expressive information is still recorded in the intermediate layers.

Facial Expression Recognition Facial Expression Recognition (FER)

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