3 code implementations • 6 Mar 2022 • Joseph Turian, Jordie Shier, Humair Raj Khan, Bhiksha Raj, Björn W. Schuller, Christian J. Steinmetz, Colin Malloy, George Tzanetakis, Gissel Velarde, Kirk McNally, Max Henry, Nicolas Pinto, Camille Noufi, Christian Clough, Dorien Herremans, Eduardo Fonseca, Jesse Engel, Justin Salamon, Philippe Esling, Pranay Manocha, Shinji Watanabe, Zeyu Jin, Yonatan Bisk
The aim of the HEAR benchmark is to develop a general-purpose audio representation that provides a strong basis for learning in a wide variety of tasks and scenarios.
no code implementations • Findings (EMNLP) 2021 • Humair Raj Khan, Deepak Gupta, Asif Ekbal
We also create the large-scale multilingual and code-mixed VQA dataset in eleven different language setups considering the multiple Indian and European languages.