Search Results for author: Hussain Al Ahmad

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Advancements in Ship Detection: Comparative Analysis of Optical and Hyperspectral Sensors

no code implementations11 Oct 2024 Alyazia Al Shamsi, Alavikunhu Panthakkan, Saeed Al Mansoori, Hussain Al Ahmad

In marine surveillance, applications span military and civilian domains, including ship detection, marine traffic control, and disaster management.


Analysing Osteoporosis Detection: A Comparative Study of CNN and FNN

no code implementations11 Oct 2024 R. Geetha, S. Arulselvi, R. Tamilselvi, M. Parisa Beham, Alavikunhu Panthakkan, Wathiq Mansoor, Hussain Al Ahmad

Osteoporosis causes progressive loss of bone density and strength, causing a more elevated risk of fracture than in normal healthy bones.

Applications of Knowledge Distillation in Remote Sensing: A Survey

no code implementations18 Sep 2024 Yassine Himeur, Nour Aburaed, Omar Elharrouss, Iraklis Varlamis, Shadi Atalla, Wathiq Mansoor, Hussain Al Ahmad

With the ever-growing complexity of models in the field of remote sensing (RS), there is an increasing demand for solutions that balance model accuracy with computational efficiency.

Computational Efficiency Instance Segmentation +6

Enhancing Plant Disease Detection: A Novel CNN-Based Approach with Tensor Subspace Learning and HOWSVD-MD

no code implementations30 May 2024 Abdelmalik Ouamane, Ammar Chouchane, Yassine Himeur, Abderrazak Debilou, Abbes Amira, Shadi Atalla, Wathiq Mansoor, Hussain Al Ahmad

Machine learning has revolutionized the field of agricultural science, particularly in the early detection and management of plant diseases, which are crucial for maintaining crop health and productivity.


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