Search Results for author: Hyung-Jin Yoon

Found 11 papers, 1 papers with code

Backup Plan Constrained Model Predictive Control with Guaranteed Stability

no code implementations9 Jun 2023 Ran Tao, Hunmin Kim, Hyung-Jin Yoon, Wenbin Wan, Naira Hovakimyan, Lui Sha, Petros Voulgaris

To include this new safety concept in control problems, we formulate a feasibility maximization problem aiming to maximize the feasibility of the primary and alternative missions.

Autonomous Vehicles Computational Efficiency +1

Learning When to Use Adaptive Adversarial Image Perturbations against Autonomous Vehicles

no code implementations28 Dec 2022 Hyung-Jin Yoon, Hamidreza Jafarnejadsani, Petros Voulgaris

We propose a multi-level stochastic optimization framework that monitors an attacker's capability of generating the adversarial perturbations.

Autonomous Vehicles object-detection +2

Multi-time Predictions of Wildfire Grid Map using Remote Sensing Local Data

no code implementations15 Sep 2022 Hyung-Jin Yoon, Petros Voulgaris

Due to recent climate changes, we have seen more frequent and severe wildfires in the United States.

Management Time Series +1

Path Integral Methods with Stochastic Control Barrier Functions

no code implementations23 Jun 2022 Chuyuan Tao, Hyung-Jin Yoon, Hunmin Kim, Naira Hovakimyan, Petros Voulgaris

In this paper, we utilize Stochastic Control Barrier Functions (SCBFs) constraints to limit sample regions in the sample-based algorithm, ensuring safety in a probabilistic sense and improving sample efficiency with a stochastic differential equation.

Learning Wildfire Model from Incomplete State Observations

no code implementations28 Nov 2021 Alissa Chavalithumrong, Hyung-Jin Yoon, Petros Voulgaris

As wildfires are expected to become more frequent and severe, improved prediction models are vital to mitigating risk and allocating resources.

Management model +3

Learning Image Attacks toward Vision Guided Autonomous Vehicles

no code implementations9 May 2021 Hyung-Jin Yoon, Hamidreza Jafarnejadsani, Petros Voulgaris

While adversarial neural networks have been shown successful for static image attacks, very few approaches have been developed for attacking online image streams while taking into account the underlying physical dynamics of autonomous vehicles, their mission, and environment.

Autonomous Vehicles

High Accuracy Tumor Diagnoses and Benchmarking of Hematoxylin and Eosin Stained Prostate Core Biopsy Images Generated by Explainable Deep Neural Networks

no code implementations2 Aug 2019 Aman Rana, Alarice Lowe, Marie Lithgow, Katharine Horback, Tyler Janovitz, Annacarolina Da Silva, Harrison Tsai, Vignesh Shanmugam, Hyung-Jin Yoon, Pratik Shah

Our neural network framework thus is automated, explainable and performs high precision H&E staining and destaining of low cost native RGB images, and is computer vision and physician authenticated for rapid and accurate tumor diagnoses.

Benchmarking SSIM

Hidden Markov Model Estimation-Based Q-learning for Partially Observable Markov Decision Process

no code implementations17 Sep 2018 Hyung-Jin Yoon, Donghwan Lee, Naira Hovakimyan

The objective is to study an on-line Hidden Markov model (HMM) estimation-based Q-learning algorithm for partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) on finite state and action sets.


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