Search Results for author: Hyungjin Kim

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Real-time Calibration Model for Low-cost Sensor in Fine-grained Time series

no code implementations28 Dec 2024 Seokho Ahn, Hyungjin Kim, Sungbok Shin, Young-Duk Seo

Based on the requirements, we develop a model called TESLA, Transformer for effective sensor calibration utilizing logarithmic-binned attention.

Deep Learning Time Series

CXR-LLAVA: a multimodal large language model for interpreting chest X-ray images

1 code implementation22 Oct 2023 Seowoo Lee, Jiwon Youn, Hyungjin Kim, Mansu Kim, Soon Ho Yoon

The model's diagnostic performance for major pathological findings was evaluated, along with the acceptability of radiologic reports by human radiologists, to gauge its potential for autonomous reporting.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +4

REST: Performance Improvement of a Black Box Model via RL-based Spatial Transformation

no code implementations16 Feb 2020 Jae Myung Kim, Hyungjin Kim, Chanwoo Park, Jungwoo Lee

Our work aims to improve the robustness by adding a REST module in front of any black boxes and training only the REST module without retraining the original black box model in an end-to-end manner, i. e. we try to convert the real-world data into training distribution which the performance of the black-box model is best suited for.

Searching for Earth/Solar Axion Halos

no code implementations9 Dec 2019 Abhishek Banerjee, Dmitry Budker, Joshua Eby, Victor V. Flambaum, Hyungjin Kim, Oleksii Matsedonskyi, Gilad Perez

We discuss the sensitivity of the present and near-future axion dark matter experiments to a halo of axions or axion-like particles gravitationally bound to the Earth or the Sun.

High Energy Physics - Phenomenology Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics Atomic Physics

4K-Memristor Analog-Grade Passive Crossbar Circuit

no code implementations27 Jun 2019 Hyungjin Kim, Hussein Nili, Mahmood Mahmoodi, Dmitri Strukov

The achieved ~26% variations of switching voltages of our devices were sufficient for programming 4K-pixel gray-scale patterns with an average tuning error smaller than 4%.


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