Search Results for author: Iadine Chades

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search on Dynamic Datasets: An Investigation

1 code implementation30 Apr 2024 Ben Harwood, Amir Dezfouli, Iadine Chades, Conrad Sanderson

For online feature learning, the Scalable Nearest Neighbours method is faster than baseline for recall rates below 75%.

Statistically Efficient Bayesian Sequential Experiment Design via Reinforcement Learning with Cross-Entropy Estimators

no code implementations29 May 2023 Tom Blau, Iadine Chades, Amir Dezfouli, Daniel Steinberg, Edwin V. Bonilla

We propose the use of an alternative estimator based on the cross-entropy of the joint model distribution and a flexible proposal distribution.


Bayesian Optimisation for Mixed-Variable Inputs using Value Proposals

no code implementations10 Feb 2022 Yan Zuo, Amir Dezfouli, Iadine Chades, David Alexander, Benjamin Ward Muir

Many real-world optimisation problems are defined over both categorical and continuous variables, yet efficient optimisation methods such asBayesian Optimisation (BO) are not designed tohandle such mixed-variable search spaces.

Bayesian Optimisation

Optimizing Sequential Experimental Design with Deep Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation2 Feb 2022 Tom Blau, Edwin V. Bonilla, Iadine Chades, Amir Dezfouli

Bayesian approaches developed to solve the optimal design of sequential experiments are mathematically elegant but computationally challenging.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Experimental Design +2

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