Search Results for author: Ian Langmore

Found 6 papers, 4 papers with code

Neural General Circulation Models for Weather and Climate

2 code implementations13 Nov 2023 Dmitrii Kochkov, Janni Yuval, Ian Langmore, Peter Norgaard, Jamie Smith, Griffin Mooers, Milan Klöwer, James Lottes, Stephan Rasp, Peter Düben, Sam Hatfield, Peter Battaglia, Alvaro Sanchez-Gonzalez, Matthew Willson, Michael P. Brenner, Stephan Hoyer

Here we present the first GCM that combines a differentiable solver for atmospheric dynamics with ML components, and show that it can generate forecasts of deterministic weather, ensemble weather and climate on par with the best ML and physics-based methods.

Physical Simulations Weather Forecasting

WeatherBench 2: A benchmark for the next generation of data-driven global weather models

1 code implementation29 Aug 2023 Stephan Rasp, Stephan Hoyer, Alexander Merose, Ian Langmore, Peter Battaglia, Tyler Russel, Alvaro Sanchez-Gonzalez, Vivian Yang, Rob Carver, Shreya Agrawal, Matthew Chantry, Zied Ben Bouallegue, Peter Dueben, Carla Bromberg, Jared Sisk, Luke Barrington, Aaron Bell, Fei Sha

WeatherBench 2 is an update to the global, medium-range (1-14 day) weather forecasting benchmark proposed by Rasp et al. (2020), designed with the aim to accelerate progress in data-driven weather modeling.

Weather Forecasting

Constructing High Precision Knowledge Bases with Subjective and Factual Attributes

no code implementations28 May 2019 Ari Kobren, Pablo Barrio, Oksana Yakhnenko, Johann Hibschman, Ian Langmore

In this work, we develop a method for constructing KBs with tunable precision--i. e., KBs that can be made to operate at a specific false positive rate, despite storing both difficult-to-evaluate subjective attributes and more traditional factual attributes.

Attribute Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

NeuTra-lizing Bad Geometry in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Using Neural Transport

1 code implementation9 Mar 2019 Matthew Hoffman, Pavel Sountsov, Joshua V. Dillon, Ian Langmore, Dustin Tran, Srinivas Vasudevan

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo is a powerful algorithm for sampling from difficult-to-normalize posterior distributions.

Variational Inference

TensorFlow Distributions

9 code implementations28 Nov 2017 Joshua V. Dillon, Ian Langmore, Dustin Tran, Eugene Brevdo, Srinivas Vasudevan, Dave Moore, Brian Patton, Alex Alemi, Matt Hoffman, Rif A. Saurous

The TensorFlow Distributions library implements a vision of probability theory adapted to the modern deep-learning paradigm of end-to-end differentiable computation.

Probabilistic Programming

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