Search Results for author: Ian Pang

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Unifying Simulation and Inference with Normalizing Flows

1 code implementation29 Apr 2024 Haoxing Du, Claudius Krause, Vinicius Mikuni, Benjamin Nachman, Ian Pang, David Shih

There have been many applications of deep neural networks to detector calibrations and a growing number of studies that propose deep generative models as automated fast detector simulators.


Calorimeter shower superresolution

1 code implementation22 Aug 2023 Ian Pang, John Andrew Raine, David Shih

In this work, we introduce SuperCalo, a flow-based superresolution model, and demonstrate that high-dimensional fine-grained calorimeter showers can be quickly upsampled from coarse-grained showers.


Inductive Simulation of Calorimeter Showers with Normalizing Flows

no code implementations19 May 2023 Matthew R. Buckley, Claudius Krause, Ian Pang, David Shih

Simulating particle detector response is the single most expensive step in the Large Hadron Collider computational pipeline.

CaloFlow for CaloChallenge Dataset 1

no code implementations25 Oct 2022 Claudius Krause, Ian Pang, David Shih

CaloFlow is a new and promising approach to fast calorimeter simulation based on normalizing flows.

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