Search Results for author: Ian Stockwell

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Preventing Discriminatory Decision-making in Evolving Data Streams

no code implementations16 Feb 2023 Zichong Wang, Nripsuta Saxena, Tongjia Yu, Sneha Karki, Tyler Zetty, Israat Haque, Shan Zhou, Dukka Kc, Ian Stockwell, Albert Bifet, Wenbin Zhang

However, most fair machine learning (fair-ML) work to address bias in decision-making systems has focused solely on the offline setting.

Decision Making Fairness

Equitable Allocation of Healthcare Resources with Fair Cox Models

no code implementations14 Oct 2020 Kamrun Naher Keya, Rashidul Islam, SHimei Pan, Ian Stockwell, James R. Foulds

Healthcare programs such as Medicaid provide crucial services to vulnerable populations, but due to limited resources, many of the individuals who need these services the most languish on waiting lists.


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