Search Results for author: Ibrahim Sabek

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Learning-Augmented Frequency Estimation in Sliding Windows

no code implementations17 Sep 2024 Rana Shahout, Ibrahim Sabek, Michael Mitzenmacher

We show how to utilize machine learning approaches to improve sliding window algorithms for approximate frequency estimation problems, under the ``algorithms with predictions'' framework.

The Case for Learned Spatial Indexes

no code implementations24 Aug 2020 Varun Pandey, Alexander van Renen, Andreas Kipf, Ibrahim Sabek, Jialin Ding, Alfons Kemper

This exponential growth in spatial data has led the research community to focus on building systems and applications that can process spatial data efficiently.

MonoStream: A Minimal-Hardware High Accuracy Device-free WLAN Localization System

no code implementations4 Aug 2013 Ibrahim Sabek, Moustafa Youssef

Device-free (DF) localization is an emerging technology that allows the detection and tracking of entities that do not carry any devices nor participate actively in the localization process.

Object Recognition Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Intelligent Hybrid Man-Machine Translation Quality Estimation

no code implementations7 Jul 2013 Ibrahim Sabek, Noha A. Yousri, Nagwa Elmakky, Mona Habib

Inferring evaluation scores based on human judgments is invaluable compared to using current evaluation metrics which are not suitable for real-time applications e. g. post-editing.

Machine Translation Translation

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