Search Results for author: Ignavier Ng

Found 27 papers, 14 papers with code

Identification of Nonparametric Dynamic Causal Structure and Latent Process in Climate System

no code implementations21 Jan 2025 Minghao Fu, Biwei Huang, Zijian Li, Yujia Zheng, Ignavier Ng, Yingyao Hu, Kun Zhang

The study of learning causal structure with latent variables has advanced the understanding of the world by uncovering causal relationships and latent factors, e. g., Causal Representation Learning (CRL).

Causal Discovery Representation Learning

Differentiable Causal Discovery For Latent Hierarchical Causal Models

no code implementations29 Nov 2024 Parjanya Prashant, Ignavier Ng, Kun Zhang, Biwei Huang

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to propose a differentiable causal discovery method for nonlinear latent hierarchical models.

Causal Discovery

Revisiting Differentiable Structure Learning: Inconsistency of $\ell_1$ Penalty and Beyond

no code implementations24 Oct 2024 Kaifeng Jin, Ignavier Ng, Kun Zhang, Biwei Huang

Recent advances in differentiable structure learning have framed the combinatorial problem of learning directed acyclic graphs as a continuous optimization problem.

A Skewness-Based Criterion for Addressing Heteroscedastic Noise in Causal Discovery

no code implementations8 Oct 2024 Yingyu Lin, Yuxing Huang, Wenqin Liu, Haoran Deng, Ignavier Ng, Kun Zhang, Mingming Gong, Yi-An Ma, Biwei Huang

Real-world data often violates the equal-variance assumption (homoscedasticity), making it essential to account for heteroscedastic noise in causal discovery.

Causal Discovery

On the Identifiability of Sparse ICA without Assuming Non-Gaussianity

no code implementations NeurIPS 2023 Ignavier Ng, Yujia Zheng, Xinshuai Dong, Kun Zhang

To accommodate Gaussian sources, we develop an identifiability theory that relies on second-order statistics without imposing further preconditions on the distribution of sources, by introducing novel assumptions on the connective structure from sources to observed variables.

Continual Learning of Nonlinear Independent Representations

no code implementations11 Aug 2024 Boyang Sun, Ignavier Ng, Guangyi Chen, Yifan Shen, Qirong Ho, Kun Zhang

Identifying the causal relations between interested variables plays a pivotal role in representation learning as it provides deep insights into the dataset.

Continual Learning Representation Learning

On the Parameter Identifiability of Partially Observed Linear Causal Models

no code implementations24 Jul 2024 Xinshuai Dong, Ignavier Ng, Biwei Huang, Yuewen Sun, Songyao Jin, Roberto Legaspi, Peter Spirtes, Kun Zhang

Linear causal models are important tools for modeling causal dependencies and yet in practice, only a subset of the variables can be observed.

Gene Regulatory Network Inference in the Presence of Dropouts: a Causal View

1 code implementation21 Mar 2024 Haoyue Dai, Ignavier Ng, Gongxu Luo, Peter Spirtes, Petar Stojanov, Kun Zhang

This particular test-wise deletion procedure, in which we perform CI tests on the samples without zeros for the conditioned variables, can be seamlessly integrated with existing structure learning approaches including constraint-based and greedy score-based methods, thus giving rise to a principled framework for GRNI in the presence of dropouts.


Local Causal Discovery with Linear non-Gaussian Cyclic Models

1 code implementation21 Mar 2024 Haoyue Dai, Ignavier Ng, Yujia Zheng, Zhengqing Gao, Kun Zhang

Local causal discovery is of great practical significance, as there are often situations where the discovery of the global causal structure is unnecessary, and the interest lies solely on a single target variable.

Causal Discovery

Federated Causal Discovery from Heterogeneous Data

1 code implementation20 Feb 2024 Loka Li, Ignavier Ng, Gongxu Luo, Biwei Huang, Guangyi Chen, Tongliang Liu, Bin Gu, Kun Zhang

This discrepancy has motivated the development of federated causal discovery (FCD) approaches.

Causal Discovery

Causal Representation Learning from Multiple Distributions: A General Setting

no code implementations7 Feb 2024 Kun Zhang, Shaoan Xie, Ignavier Ng, Yujia Zheng

We show that under the sparsity constraint on the recovered graph over the latent variables and suitable sufficient change conditions on the causal influences, interestingly, one can recover the moralized graph of the underlying directed acyclic graph, and the recovered latent variables and their relations are related to the underlying causal model in a specific, nontrivial way.

Representation Learning

A Versatile Causal Discovery Framework to Allow Causally-Related Hidden Variables

no code implementations18 Dec 2023 Xinshuai Dong, Biwei Huang, Ignavier Ng, Xiangchen Song, Yujia Zheng, Songyao Jin, Roberto Legaspi, Peter Spirtes, Kun Zhang

Most existing causal discovery methods rely on the assumption of no latent confounders, limiting their applicability in solving real-life problems.

Causal Discovery

Generalized Precision Matrix for Scalable Estimation of Nonparametric Markov Networks

no code implementations19 May 2023 Yujia Zheng, Ignavier Ng, Yewen Fan, Kun Zhang

A Markov network characterizes the conditional independence structure, or Markov property, among a set of random variables.

Structure Learning with Continuous Optimization: A Sober Look and Beyond

no code implementations4 Apr 2023 Ignavier Ng, Biwei Huang, Kun Zhang

This paper investigates in which cases continuous optimization for directed acyclic graph (DAG) structure learning can and cannot perform well and why this happens, and suggests possible directions to make the search procedure more reliable.

Truncated Matrix Power Iteration for Differentiable DAG Learning

1 code implementation30 Aug 2022 Zhen Zhang, Ignavier Ng, Dong Gong, Yuhang Liu, Ehsan M Abbasnejad, Mingming Gong, Kun Zhang, Javen Qinfeng Shi

Recovering underlying Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structures from observational data is highly challenging due to the combinatorial nature of the DAG-constrained optimization problem.

On the Identifiability of Nonlinear ICA: Sparsity and Beyond

no code implementations15 Jun 2022 Yujia Zheng, Ignavier Ng, Kun Zhang

We show that under specific instantiations of such constraints, the independent latent sources can be identified from their nonlinear mixtures up to a permutation and a component-wise transformation, thus achieving nontrivial identifiability of nonlinear ICA without auxiliary variables.

Inductive Bias

MissDAG: Causal Discovery in the Presence of Missing Data with Continuous Additive Noise Models

1 code implementation27 May 2022 Erdun Gao, Ignavier Ng, Mingming Gong, Li Shen, Wei Huang, Tongliang Liu, Kun Zhang, Howard Bondell

In this paper, we develop a general method, which we call MissDAG, to perform causal discovery from data with incomplete observations.

Causal Discovery Imputation +1

STICC: A multivariate spatial clustering method for repeated geographic pattern discovery with consideration of spatial contiguity

1 code implementation17 Mar 2022 Yuhao Kang, Kunlin Wu, Song Gao, Ignavier Ng, Jinmeng Rao, Shan Ye, Fan Zhang, Teng Fei

In this paper, we propose a Spatial Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-Based Clustering (STICC) method that considers both attributes and spatial relationships of geographic objects for multivariate spatial clustering.

Attribute Clustering

Reliable Causal Discovery with Improved Exact Search and Weaker Assumptions

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Ignavier Ng, Yujia Zheng, Jiji Zhang, Kun Zhang

Many of the causal discovery methods rely on the faithfulness assumption to guarantee asymptotic correctness.

Causal Discovery

gCastle: A Python Toolbox for Causal Discovery

2 code implementations30 Nov 2021 Keli Zhang, Shengyu Zhu, Marcus Kalander, Ignavier Ng, Junjian Ye, Zhitang Chen, Lujia Pan

$\texttt{gCastle}$ is an end-to-end Python toolbox for causal structure learning.

Causal Discovery

Towards Federated Bayesian Network Structure Learning with Continuous Optimization

2 code implementations18 Oct 2021 Ignavier Ng, Kun Zhang

Traditionally, Bayesian network structure learning is often carried out at a central site, in which all data is gathered.

Federated Learning

On the Convergence of Continuous Constrained Optimization for Structure Learning

1 code implementation23 Nov 2020 Ignavier Ng, Sébastien Lachapelle, Nan Rosemary Ke, Simon Lacoste-Julien, Kun Zhang

Recently, structure learning of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) has been formulated as a continuous optimization problem by leveraging an algebraic characterization of acyclicity.

On the Role of Sparsity and DAG Constraints for Learning Linear DAGs

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Ignavier Ng, AmirEmad Ghassami, Kun Zhang

Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our proposed method and show that the DAG-penalized likelihood objective is indeed favorable over the least squares one with the hard DAG constraint.

A Graph Autoencoder Approach to Causal Structure Learning

3 code implementations18 Nov 2019 Ignavier Ng, Shengyu Zhu, Zhitang Chen, Zhuangyan Fang

Causal structure learning has been a challenging task in the past decades and several mainstream approaches such as constraint- and score-based methods have been studied with theoretical guarantees.

Causal Discovery with Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation ICLR 2020 Shengyu Zhu, Ignavier Ng, Zhitang Chen

The reward incorporates both the predefined score function and two penalty terms for enforcing acyclicity.

Causal Discovery Combinatorial Optimization +4

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