Search Results for author: Ilya Safro

Found 25 papers, 8 papers with code

QAdaPrune: Adaptive Parameter Pruning For Training Variational Quantum Circuits

1 code implementation23 Aug 2024 Ankit Kulshrestha, Xiaoyuan Liu, Hayato Ushijima-Mwesigwa, Bao Bach, Ilya Safro

In the present noisy intermediate scale quantum computing era, there is a critical need to devise methods for the efficient implementation of gate-based variational quantum circuits.

Dyport: Dynamic Importance-based Hypothesis Generation Benchmarking Technique

1 code implementation6 Dec 2023 Ilya Tyagin, Ilya Safro

This paper presents a novel benchmarking framework Dyport for evaluating biomedical hypothesis generation systems.

Benchmarking Knowledge Graphs +2

QArchSearch: A Scalable Quantum Architecture Search Package

no code implementations11 Oct 2023 Ankit Kulshrestha, Danylo Lykov, Ilya Safro, Yuri Alexeev

The current era of quantum computing has yielded several algorithms that promise high computational efficiency.

Computational Efficiency

Literature-based Discovery for Landscape Planning

no code implementations5 Jun 2023 David Marasco, Ilya Tyagin, Justin Sybrandt, James H. Spencer, Ilya Safro

This project demonstrates how medical corpus hypothesis generation, a knowledge discovery field of AI, can be used to derive new research angles for landscape and urban planners.

Learning To Optimize Quantum Neural Network Without Gradients

no code implementations15 Apr 2023 Ankit Kulshrestha, Xiaoyuan Liu, Hayato Ushijima-Mwesigwa, Ilya Safro

This extension from classical to quantum domain has been made possible due to the development of hybrid quantum-classical algorithms that allow a parameterized quantum circuit to be optimized using gradient based algorithms that run on a classical computer.

Quantum Machine Learning

Towards Practical Explainability with Cluster Descriptors

no code implementations18 Oct 2022 Xiaoyuan Liu, Ilya Tyagin, Hayato Ushijima-Mwesigwa, Indradeep Ghosh, Ilya Safro

The goal is to find a representative set of tags for each cluster, referred to as the cluster descriptors, with the constraint that these descriptors we find are pairwise disjoint, and the total size of all the descriptors is minimized.

Clustering Combinatorial Optimization

BEINIT: Avoiding Barren Plateaus in Variational Quantum Algorithms

no code implementations28 Apr 2022 Ankit Kulshrestha, Ilya Safro

In this paper, we propose an alternative strategy which initializes the parameters of a unitary gate by drawing from a beta distribution.

Quantum Machine Learning

Proactive Query Expansion for Streaming Data Using External Source

1 code implementation17 Jan 2022 Farah Alshanik, Amy Apon, Yuheng Du, Alexander Herzog, Ilya Safro

Choosing which terms to add in order to improve the performance of the query expansion methods or to enhance the quality of the retrieved results is an important aspect of any information retrieval system.

Information Retrieval Retrieval +1

CONFAIR: Configurable and Interpretable Algorithmic Fairness

no code implementations17 Nov 2021 Ankit Kulshrestha, Ilya Safro

The rapid growth of data in the recent years has led to the development of complex learning algorithms that are often used to make decisions in real world.

Decision Making Fairness

Coping with Mistreatment in Fair Algorithms

no code implementations22 Feb 2021 Ankit Kulshrestha, Ilya Safro

In this paper, we study the algorithmic fairness in a supervised learning setting and examine the effect of optimizing a classifier for the Equal Opportunity metric.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Fairness

Accelerating COVID-19 research with graph mining and transformer-based learning

1 code implementation10 Feb 2021 Ilya Tyagin, Ankit Kulshrestha, Justin Sybrandt, Krish Matta, Michael Shtutman, Ilya Safro

In 2020, the White House released the, "Call to Action to the Tech Community on New Machine Readable COVID-19 Dataset," wherein artificial intelligence experts are asked to collect data and develop text mining techniques that can help the science community answer high-priority scientific questions related to COVID-19.

Graph Mining

Classical symmetries and the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

no code implementations8 Dec 2020 Ruslan Shaydulin, Stuart Hadfield, Tad Hogg, Ilya Safro

Our approach formalizes the connection between quantum symmetry properties of the QAOA dynamics and the group of classical symmetries of the objective function.

Accelerating Text Mining Using Domain-Specific Stop Word Lists

no code implementations18 Nov 2020 Farah Alshanik, Amy Apon, Alexander Herzog, Ilya Safro, Justin Sybrandt

Eliminating domain-specific common words in a corpus reduces the dimensionality of the feature space, and improves the performance of text mining tasks.

Computational Efficiency Dimensionality Reduction +1

AML-SVM: Adaptive Multilevel Learning with Support Vector Machines

1 code implementation5 Nov 2020 Ehsan Sadrfaridpour, Korey Palmer, Ilya Safro

The support vector machines (SVM) is one of the most widely used and practical optimization based classification models in machine learning because of its interpretability and flexibility to produce high quality results.

Classification General Classification

CBAG: Conditional Biomedical Abstract Generation

no code implementations13 Feb 2020 Justin Sybrandt, Ilya Safro

We propose a transformer-based conditional language model with a shallow encoder "condition" stack, and a deep "language model" stack of multi-headed attention blocks.

Descriptive Language Modelling +1

AGATHA: Automatic Graph-mining And Transformer based Hypothesis generation Approach

1 code implementation13 Feb 2020 Justin Sybrandt, Ilya Tyagin, Michael Shtutman, Ilya Safro

Hypothesis generation systems address this challenge by mining the wealth of publicly available scientific information to predict plausible research directions.

Drug Discovery Graph Mining

Hypergraph Partitioning With Embeddings

no code implementations9 Sep 2019 Justin Sybrandt, Ruslan Shaydulin, Ilya Safro

As a result, hypergraph partitioning is an NP-Hard problem to both solve or approximate.

hypergraph partitioning

FOBE and HOBE: First- and High-Order Bipartite Embeddings

no code implementations27 May 2019 Justin Sybrandt, Ilya Safro

Typical graph embeddings may not capture type-specific bipartite graph features that arise in such areas as recommender systems, data visualization, and drug discovery.

Data Visualization Drug Discovery +3

Large-Scale Validation of Hypothesis Generation Systems via Candidate Ranking

no code implementations11 Feb 2018 Justin Sybrandt, Michael Shtutman, Ilya Safro

This method evaluates a HG system by its ability to rank hypotheses by plausibility; a process reminiscent of human candidate selection.

Topic Models

Algebraic multigrid support vector machines

1 code implementation16 Nov 2016 Ehsan Sadrfaridpour, Sandeep Jeereddy, Ken Kennedy, Andre Luckow, Talayeh Razzaghi, Ilya Safro

The support vector machine is a flexible optimization-based technique widely used for classification problems.

General Classification

Scalable Dynamic Topic Modeling with Clustered Latent Dirichlet Allocation (CLDA)

no code implementations25 Oct 2016 Chris Gropp, Alexander Herzog, Ilya Safro, Paul W. Wilson, Amy W. Apon

In this paper, we introduce and empirically analyze Clustered Latent Dirichlet Allocation (CLDA), a method for extracting dynamic latent topics from a collection of documents.

Clustering Dynamic Topic Modeling

Fast Multilevel Support Vector Machines

no code implementations13 Oct 2014 Talayeh Razzaghi, Ilya Safro

Solving different types of optimization models (including parameters fitting) for support vector machines on large-scale training data is often an expensive computational task.

imbalanced classification

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