Search Results for author: Imke Mayer

Found 3 papers, 3 papers with code

MissDeepCausal: Causal Inference from Incomplete Data Using Deep Latent Variable Models

1 code implementation25 Feb 2020 Imke Mayer, Julie Josse, Félix Raimundo, Jean-Philippe Vert

Inferring causal effects of a treatment, intervention or policy from observational data is central to many applications.

Causal Inference Imputation +1

Doubly robust treatment effect estimation with missing attributes

2 code implementations23 Oct 2019 Imke Mayer, Erik Sverdrup, Tobias Gauss, Jean-Denis Moyer, Stefan Wager, Julie Josse

We find, however, that doubly robust modifications of standard methods for average treatment effect estimation with missing data repeatedly perform better than their non-doubly robust baselines; for example, doubly robust generalized propensity score methods beat inverse-weighting with the generalized propensity score.

Methodology 93C41, 62G35, 62F35, 62P10

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