no code implementations • 5 Apr 2022 • Gabor Fuisz, Ivan Vulić, Samuel Gibbons, Inigo Casanueva, Paweł Budzianowski
In particular, we focus on modeling and studying \textit{slot labeling} (SL), a crucial component of NLU for dialog, through the QA optics, aiming to improve both its performance and efficiency, and make it more effective and resilient to working with limited task data.
1 code implementation • WS 2018 • Bo-Hsiang Tseng, Florian Kreyssig, Pawel Budzianowski, Inigo Casanueva, Yen-chen Wu, Stefan Ultes, Milica Gasic
Cross-domain natural language generation (NLG) is still a difficult task within spoken dialogue modelling.
no code implementations • 17 May 2018 • Florian Kreyssig, Inigo Casanueva, Pawel Budzianowski, Milica Gasic
The ABUS is based on hand-crafted rules and its output is in semantic form.