1 code implementation • 17 Apr 2023 • Patrícia Pereira, Helena Moniz, Isabel Dias, Joao Paulo Carvalho
The usual approach to model the conversational context has been to produce context-independent representations of each utterance and subsequently perform contextual modeling of these.
Ranked #1 on Emotion Recognition in Conversation on EmoWoz (Macro F1 metric)
no code implementations • 24 Jul 2022 • Isabel Dias, Ricardo Rei, Patrícia Pereira, Luisa Coheur
In this paper, we propose an end-to-end sentiment-aware conversational agent based on two models: a reply sentiment prediction model, which leverages the context of the dialogue to predict an appropriate sentiment for the agent to express in its reply; and a text generation model, which is conditioned on the predicted sentiment and the context of the dialogue, to produce a reply that is both context and sentiment appropriate.