Search Results for author: Isao Ono

Found 7 papers, 6 papers with code

CMA-ES with Learning Rate Adaptation

2 code implementations29 Jan 2024 Masahiro Nomura, Youhei Akimoto, Isao Ono

The results show that the CMA-ES with the proposed learning rate adaptation works well for multimodal and/or noisy problems without extremely expensive learning rate tuning.

Natural Evolution Strategy for Mixed-Integer Black-Box Optimization

1 code implementation21 Apr 2023 Koki Ikeda, Isao Ono

This paper proposes a natural evolution strategy (NES) for mixed-integer black-box optimization (MI-BBO) that appears in real-world problems such as hyperparameter optimization of machine learning and materials design.

Hyperparameter Optimization

CMA-ES with Learning Rate Adaptation: Can CMA-ES with Default Population Size Solve Multimodal and Noisy Problems?

2 code implementations7 Apr 2023 Masahiro Nomura, Youhei Akimoto, Isao Ono

The results demonstrate that, when the proposed learning rate adaptation is used, the CMA-ES with default population size works well on multimodal and/or noisy problems, without the need for extremely expensive learning rate tuning.

Fast Moving Natural Evolution Strategy for High-Dimensional Problems

2 code implementations27 Jan 2022 Masahiro Nomura, Isao Ono

In this work, we propose a new variant of natural evolution strategies (NES) for high-dimensional black-box optimization problems.

Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Towards a Principled Learning Rate Adaptation for Natural Evolution Strategies

1 code implementation22 Nov 2021 Masahiro Nomura, Isao Ono

On the other hand, in problems that are difficult to optimize (e. g., multimodal functions), the proposed mechanism makes it possible to set a conservative learning rate when the estimation accuracy of the natural gradient seems to be low, which results in the robust and stable search.

Natural Evolution Strategy for Unconstrained and Implicitly Constrained Problems with Ridge Structure

1 code implementation21 Aug 2021 Masahiro Nomura, Isao Ono

However, DX-NES-IC has a problem in that the moving speed of the probability distribution is slow on ridge structure.

Natural Policy Gradient Methods with Parameter-based Exploration for Control Tasks

no code implementations NeurIPS 2010 Atsushi Miyamae, Yuichi Nagata, Isao Ono, Shigenobu Kobayashi

In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm for estimating the natural policy gradient with parameter-based exploration; this algorithm samples directly in the parameter space.

Policy Gradient Methods

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