Search Results for author: Israel Leyva-Mayorga

Found 9 papers, 0 papers with code

An open source Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Routing Simulator for satellite networks

no code implementations8 Jul 2024 Federico Lozano-Cuadra, Mathias D. Thorsager, Israel Leyva-Mayorga, Beatriz Soret

This paper introduces an open source simulator for packet routing in Low Earth Orbit Satellite Constellations (LSatCs) considering the dynamic system uncertainties.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Continual Deep Reinforcement Learning for Decentralized Satellite Routing

no code implementations20 May 2024 Federico Lozano-Cuadra, Beatriz Soret, Israel Leyva-Mayorga, Petar Popovski

First, an offline learning phase relies on decentralized decisions and a global Deep Neural Network (DNN) trained with global experiences.

Continual Learning Federated Learning +1

Generative Network Layer for Communication Systems with Artificial Intelligence

no code implementations8 Dec 2023 Mathias Thorsager, Israel Leyva-Mayorga, Beatriz Soret, Petar Popovski

The traditional role of the network layer is the transfer of packet replicas from source to destination through intermediate network nodes.

On-board Change Detection for Resource-efficient Earth Observation with LEO Satellites

no code implementations17 May 2023 Van-Phuc Bui, Thinh Q. Dinh, Israel Leyva-Mayorga, Shashi Raj Pandey, Eva Lagunas, Petar Popovski

The amount of data generated by Earth observation satellites can be enormous, which poses a great challenge to the satellite-to-ground connections with limited rate.

Change Detection Cloud Removal +2

Federated Learning in Satellite Constellations

no code implementations1 Jun 2022 Bho Matthiesen, Nasrin Razmi, Israel Leyva-Mayorga, Armin Dekorsy, Petar Popovski

Federated learning (FL) has recently emerged as a distributed machine learning paradigm for systems with limited and intermittent connectivity.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Federated Learning

Edge Computing and Communication for Energy-Efficient Earth Surveillance with LEO Satellites

no code implementations17 Nov 2021 Marc Martinez-Gost, Israel Leyva-Mayorga, Ana Pérez-Neira, Miguel Ángel Vázquez, Beatriz Soret, Marco Moretti

In this paper, we propose an algorithm that allows the satellites to select between computing the tasks at the edge or at a cloud server and to allocate an adequate power for communication.

Edge-computing Management

Inter-Plane Inter-Satellite Connectivity in Dense LEO Constellations

no code implementations16 May 2020 Israel Leyva-Mayorga, Beatriz Soret, Petar Popovski

With numerous ongoing deployments owned by private companies and startups, dense satellite constellations deployed in low Earth orbit (LEO) will play a major role in the near future of wireless communications.

Networking and Internet Architecture

Trusted Wireless Monitoring based on Distributed Ledgers over NB-IoT Connectivity

no code implementations14 Apr 2020 Lam D. Nguyen, Anders E. Kalør, Israel Leyva-Mayorga, Petar Popovski

The data collected from Internet of Things (IoT) devices on various emissions or pollution, can have a significant economic value for the stakeholders.

Cryptography and Security Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing

Witness-based Approach for Scaling Distributed Ledgers to Massive IoT Scenarios

no code implementations14 Apr 2020 Lam D. Nguyen, Israel Leyva-Mayorga, Petar Popovski

In our scheme, we classify transactions into two types: 1) global transactions, which must be processed by global blockchain nodes and 2) local transactions, which can be processed locally by entities called witnesses.

Networking and Internet Architecture Systems and Control Systems and Control

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