Search Results for author: Ittay Eyal

Found 8 papers, 3 papers with code

Leveraging Bitcoin Mining Machines in Demand-Response Mechanisms to Mitigate Ramping-Induced Transients

no code implementations17 Nov 2024 Elinor Ginzburg-Ganz, Ittay Eyal, Ram Machlev, Dmitry Baimel, Leena Santosh, Juri Belikov, Yoash Levron

We use simulation and the real-world data acquired from the "Noga" grid operator to verify the proposed ancillary service and test its practical limits for reducing the ramping costs, under changing ratio of energy production from renewable sources.


Efficient MDP Analysis for Selfish-Mining in Blockchains

1 code implementation10 Jul 2020 Roi Bar Zur, Ittay Eyal, Aviv Tamar

We call this Probabilistic Termination Optimization (PTO), and the technique applies to any MDP whose utility is a ratio function.

Cryptography and Security

Ostraka: Secure Blockchain Scaling by Node Sharding

no code implementations7 Jul 2019 Alex Manuskin, Michael Mirkin, Ittay Eyal

Moreover, we show that in common scenarios, these protocols require most node operators to process almost all blockchain transactions.

Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing C.2.1; C.2.4

Decentralization in Bitcoin and Ethereum Networks

no code implementations11 Jan 2018 Adem Efe Gencer, Soumya Basu, Ittay Eyal, Robbert van Renesse, Emin Gün Sirer

Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies have demonstrated how to securely implement traditionally centralized systems, such as currencies, in a decentralized fashion.

Cryptography and Security

Teechan: Payment Channels Using Trusted Execution Environments

no code implementations22 Dec 2016 Joshua Lind, Ittay Eyal, Peter Pietzuch, Emin Gün Sirer

We present Teechan, a full-duplex payment channel framework that exploits trusted execution environments.

Cryptography and Security

Bitcoin-NG: A Scalable Blockchain Protocol

1 code implementation7 Oct 2015 Ittay Eyal, Adem Efe Gencer, Emin Gun Sirer, Robbert van Renesse

Cryptocurrencies, based on and led by Bitcoin, have shown promise as infrastructure for pseudonymous online payments, cheap remittance, trustless digital asset exchange, and smart contracts.

Cryptography and Security

The Miner's Dilemma

1 code implementation26 Nov 2014 Ittay Eyal

The game is played daily by the active Bitcoin pools, which apparently choose not to attack.

Cryptography and Security Computer Science and Game Theory

Majority is not Enough: Bitcoin Mining is Vulnerable

no code implementations1 Nov 2013 Ittay Eyal, Emin Gun Sirer

Selfish mining is feasible for any group size of colluding miners.

Cryptography and Security

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