no code implementations • EAMT 2022 • Itziar Aldabe, Jane Dunne, Aritz Farwell, Owen Gallagher, Federico Gaspari, Maria Giagkou, Jan Hajic, Jens Peter Kückens, Teresa Lynn, Georg Rehm, German Rigau, Katrin Marheinecke, Stelios Piperidis, Natalia Resende, Tea Vojtěchová, Andy Way
This paper provides an overview of the ongoing European Language Equality(ELE) project, an 18-month action funded by the European Commission which involves 52 partners.
1 code implementation • 29 Mar 2024 • Julen Etxaniz, Oscar Sainz, Naiara Perez, Itziar Aldabe, German Rigau, Eneko Agirre, Aitor Ormazabal, Mikel Artetxe, Aitor Soroa
We introduce Latxa, a family of large language models for Basque ranging from 7 to 70 billion parameters.
no code implementations • 15 Mar 2022 • Mikel Artetxe, Itziar Aldabe, Rodrigo Agerri, Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre, Aitor Soroa
For instance, 66% of documents are rated as high-quality for EusCrawl, in contrast with <33% for both mC4 and CC100.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Oscar Sainz, Oier Lopez de Lacalle, Itziar Aldabe, Montse Maritxalar
In this paper we present a relation extraction system that given a text extracts pedagogically motivated relation types, as a previous step to obtaining a semantic representation of the text which will make possible to automatically generate questions for reading comprehension.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Andrea Horbach, Itziar Aldabe, Marie Bexte, Oier Lopez de Lacalle, Montse Maritxalar
Automatic generation of reading comprehension questions is a topic receiving growing interest in the NLP community, but there is currently no consensus on evaluation metrics and many approaches focus on linguistic quality only while ignoring the pedagogic value and appropriateness of questions.
no code implementations • 2 Feb 2017 • Egoitz Laparra, Rodrigo Agerri, Itziar Aldabe, German Rigau
In this paper we present an approach to extract ordered timelines of events, their participants, locations and times from a set of multilingual and cross-lingual data sources.
no code implementations • LREC 2016 • Maddalen Lopez de Lacalle, Egoitz Laparra, Itziar Aldabe, German Rigau
This paper presents the Predicate Matrix 1. 3, a lexical resource resulting from the integration of multiple sources of predicate information including FrameNet, VerbNet, PropBank and WordNet.
no code implementations • 13 Jul 2015 • Itziar Aldabe, Oier Lopez de Lacalle, Iñigo Lopez-Gazpio, Montse Maritxalar
This paper describes a hierarchical system that predicts one label at a time for automated student response analysis.