Search Results for author: Iveta Dirgová Luptáková

Found 3 papers, 3 papers with code

Signal Novelty Detection as an Intrinsic Reward for Robotics

1 code implementation MDPI Sensors 2023 Martin Kubovčík, Iveta Dirgová Luptáková, Jiří Pospíchal

In advanced robot control, reinforcement learning is a common technique used to transform sensor data into signals for actuators, based on feedback from the robot’s environment.

Acrobot Anomaly Detection +2

Wearable Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition with Transformer Model

1 code implementation MDPI 2022 Iveta Dirgová Luptáková, Martin Kubovčík, Jiří Pospíchal

In this study, the transformer model, a deep learning neural network model developed primarily for the natural language processing and vision tasks, was adapted for a time-series analysis of motion signals.

Human Activity Recognition Time Series +1

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