Search Results for author: Jörg Herbel

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Fast Point Spread Function Modeling with Deep Learning

no code implementations23 Jan 2018 Jörg Herbel, Tomasz Kacprzak, Adam Amara, Alexandre Refregier, Aurelien Lucchi

We find that our approach is able to accurately reproduce the SDSS PSF at the pixel level, which, due to the speed of both the model evaluation and the parameter estimation, offers good prospects for incorporating our method into the $MCCL$ framework.

Accelerating Approximate Bayesian Computation with Quantile Regression: Application to Cosmological Redshift Distributions

no code implementations24 Jul 2017 Tomasz Kacprzak, Jörg Herbel, Adam Amara, Alexandre Réfrégier

This model is trained on a small number of simulations and estimates which regions of the prior space are likely to be accepted into the posterior.

quantile regression

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